24 Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan - Pre Submission Version PDF 330 KB
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport and Planning
Additional documents:
The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport and Planning introduced the report. The Waste Local Plan is a statutory document that all Waste Planning Authorities must prepare. It sets out policies against which all development proposals involving recycling and waste processing are assessed and determined by the City Council.
Resolved to
accept the summary of the main issues raised during the
consultation on the Draft Plan Stage as outlined in the Report of
Consultation (Appendix A) and how these have been
endorse the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local
Plan – Pre Submission Version (Appendix B) and that it be
published for formal representations;
(3) authorise the Corporate Director for Growth and City Development to make any further non-material typographical, formatting, mapping and other minor amendments considered necessary prior to publication.
Reasons for decision:
To note awareness of the response to the Draft Plan consultation
stage and to present a final Plan to the Executive for approval to
publish for formal representations to be made.
To ensure that the Waste Local Plan is approved and published in
accordance with the Constitution of the City Council.
· To provide delegated authority for officers to make necessary minor changes considered necessary associated with publication.
Other options considered:
· Preparation and keeping up to date a Waste Local Plan is a statutory requirement. Without an up to date planning policy framework in place, planning applications for recycling and waste development could be submitted and decided with little weight afforded to local planning policy resulting in a lack of certainty for local communities and the waste industry. The only other option is to not approve consultation and suspend preparation of the Plan with the above consequence and this is not considered appropriate.