Agenda and minutes

Outbreak Control Engagement Board
Monday, 22nd February, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Remote - To be held remotely via Zoom - View directions

Contact: Jane Garrard  Senior Governance Officer

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Ruby Bhattal – Steve Thorne attended as a substitute

Andy Haynes

Councillor Rebecca Langton

Carolyn Kus

Hugh Porter

Amanda Sullivan – Sarah Carter attended as a substitute



Declarations of interests for items 3 - 6




Public Minutes pdf icon PDF 234 KB

To confirm the minutes of the public part of the meeting held on 9 February 2021


The Board approved the minutes of the public section of the meeting held on 9 February 2021 as an accurate record.


Nottingham's Outbreak Control Plan Update


Alison Challenger, Director of Public Health Nottingham City Council, gave an update on Nottingham’s Outbreak Control Plan, highlighting the following information:


a)  There is an improving position as rates of Covid-19 in the City continue to reduce and at a faster pace than earlier in 2021.


b)  There were 679 cases of Covid-19 in the City in the last seven days, which is a rate of 204 per 100,000 population.  This compares to a rate of 267.3 per 100,000 for the previous seven days. 


c)  The Nottingham City rate is still higher than the England average of 128.5 per 100,000 population, but the gap is narrowing. 


d)  Rates of Covid-19 are similar across the City with no specific locations of concern.


e)  The 23-59 years age group continues to be over-represented in positive cases, but the number of cases in that working age population are starting to reduce.


f)  It is important for those people who do have to leave home to work to get tested regularly at an asymptomatic testing site in order to reduce community transmission.  There are plans to open more asymptomatic testing sites to provide greater coverage of testing facilities across the City.


Board Member Updates

a)  Nottinghamshire Police

b)  Environmental Health

c)  NHS


Steven Cooper, Nottinghamshire Police, gave an update on the work of the Police in the City since the last Board meeting.  He highlighted the following information:


a)  There have been 558 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) issued during 2021, including 39 to repeat offenders.  Since 1 February, 115 FPNs have been issued so the rate of issue is slowing slightly.  The main reason for enforcement being taken is gatherings in private dwellings, either reported by neighbours or Community Protection Officers.


b)  As the rules should be fully understood by now, the Police tend to move to the enforcement phase of their approach quicker now.


c)  During the last weekend there was a party of over 20 people in Sneinton and significant fines were issued.  There has also been media coverage of a gathering in the Top House pub car park in Bulwell.  The organiser was issued with a £10,000 fine. 


d)  There has been less footfall on public transport than normal, but there is generally good compliance with the requirements by those who are using public transport.


e)  Generally, there has been really good compliance with requirements by licensed premises.


Paul Dales, Chief Environmental Health Officer Nottingham City Council, gave an update on the work of the Environmental Health Team focusing on the Team’s contribution to outbreak investigations.  He highlighted the following information:


f)  The Team has supported 25 detailed investigations into outbreaks involving employees.  16 were enforced by Nottingham City Council for health and safety and 9 were enforced by the Health and Safety Executive. 


g)  Businesses investigated include factories, call centres, schools, nurseries and care homes.


h)  The Team carries out an initial assessment, which includes reviewing the risk assessments, discussing the issues with business owners and managers and looking at other local connections.  If the business is identified as not operating in a Covid-secure way then a further on-site inspection is carried out.  This happened in 7 of the 25 investigations.


i)  12 of the investigations resulted in a requirement for some improvement.  All of the businesses were co-operative and wanted to deal with any identified issues.


j)  Risk factors identified included car sharing by employees and some community transmission brought into the workplace by members of the same family working together.


k)  The Team attends the daily Outbreak Cell meetings to provide intelligence, and attends Outbreak Control Management meetings when appropriate.


l)  The Team does receive a number of direct complaints and queries about business compliance and often complainants want to remain anonymous.  Some complaints are justified while others are not and therefore investigations are approached with an open-mind and in a way as to not expose the complainant.  Businesses are generally open to receiving additional advice.


Sarah Carter, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group, gave an update from a health perspective.  She highlighted the following information:


m)  The health system is still under some pressure although the position in hospitals has stabilised, with a fall in the number of inpatients with Covid-19. 


n)  In the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 192.


Local Covid-19 Vaccination Plan Update


Sarah Carter, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group, gave an update on the Covid-19 Vaccination Plan.  She highlighted the following information:


a)  Strong progress is being made with the Covid-19 vaccination programme.  48,000 people were vaccinated across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire in the previous week and pop-up vaccination sites are being set up in areas of lower uptake.


b)  95% of older adults in care homes have been vaccinated; 92% of over 80s have been vaccinated; 99% of 75-79 year olds have been vaccinated; and 89.8% of 70-75 year olds have been vaccinated so far.


c)  In each cohort there is a small proportion of individuals not coming forward for vaccination and although partners are working hard to address this, it will require support from all sectors. 


d)  The roving and housebound service is in operation and has good support across the system.  All housebound individuals should have received their vaccination but the service will continue to ensure that everyone is covered. 


e)  Council colleagues are proactively calling individuals who have been invited to receive a vaccination but not yet responded.  GPs have also started contacting residents encouraging them to access the pop-up sites. 


f)  In the previous week, vaccination bookings opened to Cohorts 5 and 6.  There are nearly 100,000 people in Cohort 6 across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and therefore it will take several weeks to vaccinate this cohort.


During subsequent discussion the following points were raised:


g)  National and local letters containing different information about booking a vaccination appointment can be confusing for people, particularly for those who do not speak or read English as a first language/ have lower rates of literacy.  It was clarified that if someone receives a national letter, they can choose to attend that larger national site or go to their local site if that is more convenient.


h)  Increasing numbers of people from Asian and Caribbean communities are coming forward for vaccination, which is positive.  However, the lower uptake by some communities is disappointing.  Work is taking place to reach specific communities through, for example, contact with Nottingham Women’s Network, One Nottingham Faith Leaders Network, Community Cohesion Team, Kurdish Women’s Group.  The Team is looking at developing ‘easy read’ and ‘how you can help’ leaflets and creating a video with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic councillors.  Pop-up vaccination sites, such as the one currently operating from a mosque, will be crucial to reaching these communities.  This work is being led by the Inequalities Group who are using intelligence to make recommendations for new and different approaches.


Lucy Lee, Head of Customer Services Nottingham City Council, spoke about the role of the Council’s Customer Hub in supporting the vaccination programme.  She highlighted the following information:


i)  The Customer Hub has called all those aged over 80 years and housebound individuals, and is now in the process of calling those aged 70-79 years.  The Hub is making approximately 600 calls per day.


j)  Generally the response from individuals has been very positive and the Hub  ...  view the full minutes text for item 193.


Exclusion of the public to move into the confidential section of the meeting


The Board agreed to exclude the public to move into the confidential section of the meeting.


Declaration of interests for agenda items 9 - 12


See Confidential Minutes


Confidential Minutes

To confirm the minutes of the confidential section of the meeting held on 9 February 2021


See Confidential Minutes


Situational Roundup


See Confidential Minutes


Local Covid-19 Vaccination Plan Update


See Confidential Minutes


Local Testing Strategy Update


See Confidential Minutes