Agenda and minutes

Outbreak Control Engagement Board
Friday, 25th June, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Remote - To be held remotely via Zoom - View directions

Contact: Jane Garrard  Senior Governance Officer

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Councillor Rebecca Langont

Sarah Storey

Andrew Errington


The Chair noted that she would have to leave the meeting at 2.30pm due to a medical appointment.


Declarations of Interests for agenda items 3 - 7




Public Minutes pdf icon PDF 227 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the public section of the meeting held on 12 May 2021


The public minutes of the meeting held on the 12 May 2021 were deferred to the meeting on the 23 July 2021


Nottingham's Local Outbreak Management Plan update


David Johns, Director of Public Health Nottingham City Council, gave an update on Nottingham’s Outbreak Control Plan, highlighting the following information:


a)  There were 454 new cases over the last 7 days; an increase of 161 cases. This equated to a rate of 136.4 per 100,000 population, the previous week being 88.3 per 100,000.


b)  There remained a low number of cases in the over 60’s, with the highest case rates being amongst 16-22 and 12-17 year olds.


c)  For those showing no signs of having Covid, asymptomatic testing is available from a number of outlets, including pharmacies and community testing sites. Home test kit collection points will be available in 12 City libraries and Nottingham City Council Home Meals will be distributing home testing kits.


d)  For those showing signs of Covid, people should tale the PCR test; current testing rates in Nottingham would need to increase to avoid further increased rates.


e)  The national roadmap had been paused by the Government’s decision to extend this to the 19th July 2021, but there have been small amendments to the rules.


f)  With the Euro’s 2020 being underway, people needed to remain cautious and adhere to the rules around gathering.


g)  From the 25-28 June 2021, a ‘Vax-the-Nation’ event is being held with 9 sites across the City offering a walk-in service for anyone who has not had their vaccination.






Board Member updates

a)  Nottinghamshire Police

b)  Environmental Health

c)  NHS

d)  Education


Steve Cooper, Nottinghamshire Police, gave an update on the work of the Police in the City since the last Board meeting. He highlighted the following information:


a)  Police had planned for the easing of lockdown for the 21 June 2021, but this has been extended and so further work is being undertaken to ensure they are ready for the revised date of the 19 July 2021.


b)  Overall, pubs and other venues are being well managed and governed, especially during the Euro’s with very few issues reported.


c)  Since 1 April 2021, 239 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) have been issued across the city. More tickets have been issued at fewer incidents such as where there had been large gatherings/parties; these were issued primarily for blatant breeches of the rules and associated anti-social behaviour and public health issues. Only one £10,000 fine had been issued recently.


d)  With the Home Nation matches being played within the next few days an enhanced policing operation is in place. There had been no reported disorder or trouble when previous matches had taken place.


The Chair, as a Ward Councillor, thanked the police for their recent assistance in acting to get a dispersal order for a number of parties taking place in her ward area which would act as a deterrent.


Steve Cooper confirmed that not only did issuing dispersal orders act as a deterrent, it also gave Police other enforcement powers should they be necessary.


Paul Dales, Chief Environmental Health Officer Nottingham City Council, gave an update on the work of the Environmental Health Team since the last Board meeting. He highlighted the following information:


a)  The Environmental Health Team has carried out 119 Covid-secure visits – mainly in the hospitality and retail sector; 25 premises were found to have minor non-compliance issues which were promptly resolved.


b)  39 complaints have been received, the majority of which refer to either a lack of Personal Protective Equipment for staff, a lack of enforcement of the wearing of face coverings or a lack of social distancing. Overall, businesses were very cooperative and were working hard to ensure they were Covid-secure.  A number of customers had not been assisting these business by complying with the rules.


c)  Environmental Health continue to work on outbreak control investigations and on-sight interventions including visits to schools, sports clubs and training establishments to offer advice on a variety of issues including servicing air conditioning units, face coverings and the importance of having good ventilation.


d)  The work of businesses, volunteer organisations and workplaces has been very positive in reducing overall risk and there has been general cooperation across the City.


Amanda Sullivan, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group, gave an update from an NHS perspective, highlighting the following information:


a)  There have been 17 admissions relating to Covid in the past week, an increase of 8 on the previous week. Of those admissions 2 patients were being mechanically ventilated. No deaths (from Covid) have been reported.


b)  The NHS strongly encourages  ...  view the full minutes text for item 248.


Delivering events safely during Covid-19


Patrick Loy, Head of Nottingham Events, gave an update on events in the City area and highlighted the following information:


a)  Planning for large events is currently very difficult, despite a number of smaller events having been successfully held across the City.


b)  The Government-run Events Research Programme (ERP) has run a number of event pilot schemes, the data from the pilot schemes has yet to be released and very little information/guidance has been made available.


c)  Prior to any event being held, several measures are requested of event organisers, which includes a Covid risk assessment, designing event layouts to reduce risk and clear policies for staff and audience members showing signs of Covid.


d)  A number of outdoor events haved been held since the easing of the lockdown and discussions are still on going with regards to future events and planning is currently underway.


Peter Ireson, Venue Director, Nottingham Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall delivered a presentation to the Board and highlighted a number of steps that have been taken at the theatre to ensure that it is Covid compliant. He reported that there has been a significant shift in how the theatre will run in order to keep members of the public safe.


In response to a question asked by the Chair, it was noted that vaccinations weekend is being promoted by the events team and Peter Ireson confirmed that he engages in promoting the vaccination.


Overview of Nottingham City's Local Covid-19 Vaccination Plan


Maria Principe, Covid 19 Vaccination Programme Director and Director of Population Health Management, gave an update on the Covid Vaccination Plan, highlighting the following information:


a)  There is Local Resilience Forum approach with partnership working with front line services and volunteers.


b)  The vaccination programme started in November 2020.


c)  Local vaccination sites were established with a number of community pharmacies collaborating.


d)  January 2021 saw the first AstraZeneca vaccines being given. Second doses were beginning to be administered in April 2020 and ‘Victor the Vaccination’ bus was launched.


e)  6 local vaccination centres continue to deliver both the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccine.  At present 98% of population are within a 5 mile radius of a vaccination centre.


f)  Intelligence is used to try and target efforts to get people vaccinated where there has been a low uptake such as the vaccination bus which focused on reaching homeless people, workplaces and other more difficult to reach residents.


g)  Increased communication by working with local radio stations, local community groups and community representatives and running workshops and providing information in various languages.


h)  Inequalities between deprivation and ethnicity have been identified and attempts are being made to plug those gaps through targeted engagement.


The Chair suggested that work could be done to make sure every contact had with GP services reminds people get the vaccination. With regards to inequality as many new approaches as possible are needed to keep plugging away and assurance given that this remain at the forefront of work carried out.


Ruby Bhattal, Head of Communications and Marketing, highlighted the following information:


a)  There have been specific communications directed at various groups amongst the City to cover all age groups. A broadcast scheme has been launched encouraging people to take up the vaccination. Work is being done with the Business Improvement District (BID) to encourage people back to retail.


b)  There has been extensive advertising about vaccinations which has been included in residents’ magazines. It was noted that the subscription to the Leader’s bulletin has increased by 171.24% since March 2020.


c)  Efforts are being made to ensure that every communication platform is being tapped into, including working with schools, businesses, leisure sector and Universities.


The meeting was adjourned at 3.26pm for a comfort break.


Exclusion of the public to move into the confidential section of the meeting


Following the adjournment, the meeting resumed at 3.32pm.


The Board agreed to exclude the public and move into the confidential section of the meeting.



Declarations of Interests for agenda items 10 - 13


See confidential minutes.


Confidential Minutes

To confirm the Minutes of the confidential section of the meeting held on 12 May 2021


See confidential minutes



Situational round up


See confidential minutes


Education update


See confidential minutes


Overview of Nottingham City's local Covid-19 Vaccination Plan


See confidential minutes