Venue: Council Chamber - at the Council House. View directions
Contact: Jane Garrard, Senior Governance Officer Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillor Hassan Ahmed – personal Councillor Leslie Ayoola – personal Councillor Graham Chapman – personal Councillor Azad Choudhry – leave Councillor Phil Jackson – personal Councillor Maria Joannou – leave Councillor Sue Johnson – personal Councillor Jawaid Khalil – personal Councillor Zafran Khan – personal Councillor Rebecca Langton – leave Councillor Jane Lakey – personal Councillor Dave Liversidge – personal
Declarations of interests Minutes: None |
Questions from citizens Minutes: None |
Petitions from Councillors on behalf of citizens Minutes: None |
To confirm the minutes of the last meeting of Council held on 19 July 2021 PDF 574 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2021 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair. |
To receive official communications and announcements from the Leader of the Council and/or the Chief Executive Minutes: The Chief Executive reported the following:
I would like to congratulate all those from Nottingham who competed in the Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo this summer. In particular, I would like to mention those who achieved medal success – Emily Campbell, Sophie Hahn, Charlotte Henshaw and Richard Whitehead.
I am pleased to report a number of recent award successes for services across the Council. In July the Council’s Highways Team achieved the RoSPA Gold Award for health and safety performance. The Council also won the Silver Award in the 2021 Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, demonstrating the Council’s ongoing commitment to those who are serving or who have served in our armed forces. Most recently, the Parks and Open Spaces Team won Best Commercialisation and Enterpreneurship Initiative for Woodthorpe Plant Shop at the Association of Public Service Excellence Awards.
I report to Council that Chantal Lee and Lauren O’Grady have decided to stand down from their role as councillors on this Council. By-elections in the St Anns and Sherwood wards will be held on 7 October.
I am sad to report the recent death of Honorary Alderman William Bradbury. He was first elected to serve on the Council in 1972 for the Mapperley ward, which he went on to represent until 1995. During that time he served on a number of committees, was Leader of the Minority Group in 1983/84 and 1992-1994 and served as Leader of the Council in 1987/88. He was made an Honorary Alderman in 2006. My thoughts are with his family and all those who knew him.
I am also very sad to report to Council the death of one of our employees, Stanford Dziva, from Covid-19. Stanford worked as a Public Realm Operative, helping to keep our neighbourhoods clean, pleasant and well cared for. He only worked with us for a relatively short amount of time, but during that period he worked in both the City Centre on general cleaning duties and in neighbourhood teams litter picking, collecting fly tipping, sweeping and hedge cutting. He was a hard working man who loved his job. Stanford will be missed by those in the Council who knew and worked with him, who described him as a genuine, honest and friendly colleague. My thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.
Councillor Adele Williams spoke about Lauren O’Grady and Councillor Cheryl Barnard spoke about Chantal Lee.
Councillor David Mellen and Councillor Andrew Rule spoke in tribute to William Bradbury and a minute’s silence was held.
Councillor David Mellen spoke in tribute to Stanford Dziva, and a minute’s silence was held. |
Questions from Councillors - to the City Council's lead Councillor on the Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority Minutes: None |
Additional documents: Minutes: Summerwood Day Centre Councillor Maria Watson asked the following question of the Leader of the Council:
As everyone in this Council is no doubt aware, we have long championed and supported the continued operation of Summerwood Day Centre in Clifton. The work that Summerwood undertook was invaluable and we can say from personal experience that the staff that worked there are utterly incredible. The excellent service provided by the staff created a safe and supportive environment for dozens of users, empowered them to explore their aspirations, granted them independence and helped them flourish, and helped their families cope in otherwise extremely difficult circumstances. Will the Leader of the Council join us in saying a massive thank you for all the years dedicated to the people of Clifton and for all of the positive differences they’ve made in the lives of both service users and their families?
Councillor David Mellen replied as follows:
Thank you to Councillor Watson for her question and her support for adult social care services. Whilst I am happy to pay tribute and thank the Summerwood staff, and indeed all social care staff working across the City both in units like Summerwood or in our homes of our residents of the City, it is important that Council know that Summerwood has not been an exclusive Clifton facility and that many residents both from Clifton and across the City have benefited from those services offered there, which Councillor Watson rightly described as of high quality, and they will continue to do so but from a different venue. Summerwood is scheduled to close on the 29 October and citizens and colleagues transfer to their new base Spring Meadow, in the Meadows. Plans are underway for groups to continue to access activities in the Clifton area and continue to benefit from the long standing support received from the local community. I acknowledge the hard work of the staff at Summerwood and am pleased that they will continue to provide support from the Spring Meadows base. I applaud the work of all care staff supporting vulnerable citizens, particularly in the last couple of years, and their families across the City, thanking them for their ongoing commitment to the communities of Nottingham.
Fly-tipping Councillor Kirsty Jones asked the following question of the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport and Cleansing Services:
While we applaud the work that the City’s tireless cleansing teams and the volunteer clean champions do in trying to keep Nottingham looking its best, it seems that rubbish and fly tipping especially are out of control. As Nottingham Clean Champions ourselves, I am sad to say that many are beginning to feel disheartened about the whole situation. While we recognise the increase in prosecutions for fly-tipping, this just goes to show that offences are increasing at a time when resources are steadily decreasing. The reductions in numbers of frontline Community Protection Officers is a particular concern in this area. Can the Portfolio Holder reassure us that actions are being taken not ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
Strategic Council Plan 2021-23 PDF 146 KB Report of the Leader of the Council Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor David Mellen, presented the report proposing approval of a Strategic Council Plan 2021 – 2023. The report was seconded by Councillor Sally Longford.
Resolved to
(1) approve the Strategic Council Plan 2021 – 2023; and
(2) note the new Performance Management Framework that will support oversight and accountability for delivery of the outcomes, priorities and activities in the Plan. |
Nottingham City Council's New Constitution PDF 214 KB Report of the Deputy Leader of the Council Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Sally Longford, presented the report proposing approval of a new Constitution for the Council. The report was seconded by Councillor David Mellen.
Resolved to
(1) approve the new Constitution;
(2) agree that the provisions of the new Constitution will come into force on 1 October 2021 to allow time for communication with officers and updating of systems supporting decision making;
(3) note the Executive arrangements outlined in the new Constitution, which were agreed by the Leader of the Council, and agree to the inclusion of them in the Constitution; and
(4) note that Executive delegations will be reviewed by the Leader of the Council six months after implementation (April 2022) to ensure they are fit for purpose. |
Centre for Governance and Scrutiny Review of Scrutiny PDF 283 KB Report of the Deputy Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Sally Longford, presented the report regarding the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny’s (CfGS) recent review of the Council’s overview and scrutiny function, proposing that the Council accept the CfGS’s report. The report was seconded by the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Anne Peach.
Resolved to
(1) accept the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny’s report on its Review of Scrutiny; and
(2) delegate to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to develop and oversee implementation of an action plan to respond to the recommendations and address the issues raised in the report. |
Decisions taken under Urgency Procedures PDF 215 KB Report of the Leader of the Council Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor David Mellen, presented the report detailing urgent decisions that the Council is required to note, which have been taken under provisions within the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules and Access to Information Rules. The report was seconded by Councillor Sally Longford.
Resolved to note that:
(1) The following urgent decisions (exempt from call in) were taken:
(2) The following decisions was taken under the Special Urgency Procedure:
Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21 PDF 212 KB Report of the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Anne Peach, presented the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21, proposing that it be accepted by Council. The report was seconded by the Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Georgia Power.
Resolved to accept the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21. |
Changes in committee membership To note the following changes to committee membership: a) Councillor Phil Jackson has been removed as a member of the Health Scrutiny Committee b) Councillor Wendy Smith has been appointed as a member of the Licensing Committee c) Councillor Ethan Radford has been appointed as a member of the Audit Committee d) Councillor Adele Williams has been appointed as a member of the Regulatory and Appeals Committee Minutes: The following committee membership changes were noted:
(1) Councillor Phil Jackson had been removed as a member of the Health Scrutiny Committee
(2) Councillor Wendy Smith had been appointed as a member of the Licensing Committee
(3) Councillor Ethan Radford had been appointed as a member of the Audit Committee
(4) Councillor Adele Williams had been appointed as a member of the Regulatory and Appeals Committee |