Agenda and minutes

City Council
Monday, 8th March, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Remote - To be held remotely via Zoom - View directions

Contact: Jane Garrard, Senior Governance Officer  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Councillor Hassan Ahmed – personal

Councillor Eunice Campbell-Clark - personal

Councillor Phil Jackson – personal

Councillor Maria Joannou – personal

Councillor Sue Johnson - personal


Declarations of interests


In relation to agenda item 12 Budget 2021/22 (minute reference 80), in the interests of transparency, Councillors Steve Battlemuch and Anne Peach stated that they were trustees of the Nottingham Playhouse Board.  This did not prevent them from remaining in the room during consideration of the proposals and voting on this item.



Questions from citizens pdf icon PDF 5 KB


Development of the library at Broadmarsh

IL asked the following question of the Leader of the Council:

In light of the large financial pressures the City Council is currently facing, could the Portfolio Holder confirm that the provision of the new Central Library at Broadmarsh is continuing uninterrupted and provide an update on progress towards the library's opening?


Councillor David Mellen replied as follows:


Thank you Lord Mayor and I would like to thank the citizen for the question submitted regarding the provision of the new Central Library as part of the Broadmarsh development.  Firstly, I want to recognise the important roles that libraries play in many of our communities.  Access to quality local library provision makes a massive difference to many people’s lives and their future life chances.  I am proud of the continued commitment we have been able to make over the last decade to improve library provision in Nottingham.  This has included new library provision as part of the joint service centres in Bulwell, St Anns and Hyson Green, and more recently we have opened replacement facilities in Strelley Road and the Dales.  As well as this we have refurbished many libraries across the City, including those in Clifton and Bilborough, and soon the work will commence to build a replacement library in Sherwood.  This development has been brought about by working in a unique way with the developer of housing nearby, providing a new library at no extra cost to the Council. 


I want to take this opportunity to thank our library staff who, during the Covid pandemic, have provided access for people to collect books, gain access to computers and provided a wide range of activities and events online, introduced new ‘click and collect’ services and carried on supporting home delivery services to many of our housebound residents.  Similarly, many staff have also been redeployed and supporting other Council support services.  This has included becoming core teams for the Customer Services Team, to help support some of our most vulnerable and isolated citizens; supporting the Coroner’s Office by processing paperwork; and the Business Grant Support Teams, helping them process essential grants which have been a lifeline for many businesses.  In addition, a large number of staff also put themselves forward to be on the frontline, staffing the City’s first asymptomatic testing centre at Djanogly Leisure Centre.  This is often unsung work but important to recognise.  I also want to take this opportunity to thank Councillor Trimble for his contributions over many years.  No one has done more to promote, develop and deliver improvements in our libraries, parks and open spaces throughout the years.  His legacy will be enjoyed not only in the vibrant new Central Library but also in the green spaces he cares so much about and, of course, the redeveloped Castle which, due to his dedication, we will all start to enjoy later this year.  Thank you Councillor Trimble for all your work throughout almost 20 years on the Council’s Executive. 


The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Petitions from Councillors on behalf of citizens


Councillor Maria Watson presented a petition on behalf of residents asking the Council to reverse the decision to close any and all adult day centres and to seek budgetary savings away from the adult social care budget, fully funding adult social care to protect society’s most vulnerable.


To confirm the minutes of the last Ordinary meeting of Council held on 11 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 631 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2021 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.


To confirm the minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of Council held on 25 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 374 KB


The minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of Council held on 25 January 2021 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.


To receive official communications and announcements from the Leader of the Council and/or the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive reported the following:


I have two sad announcements regarding the deaths of Council employees.  I am very sad to report the death of Trevor Poole, an officer in the Public Realm Team who worked mainly in Bestwood and Basford.  Trevor joined the Council in 2002 and worked with dedication, commitment and good humour.  He was a positive influence on younger members of staff and helped them to learn the job.  Trevor was a popular member of the Team and will be greatly missed by all those who knew and worked with him.  Our thoughts are with his family and friends.


It is also with great sadness that I report the death of Helen Blackman, our Director of Children’s Integrated Services.  Helen first qualified as a social worker in 1989 and dedicated her working life to improving opportunities for children and young people in Nottingham and the wider area.  Following almost a decade working for Nottinghamshire County Council specialising in child protection, children in care and adoption services, Helen joined Nottingham City Council just over 20 years ago in 1998.  Following a series of management roles, Helen became Head of Neighbourhood Fieldwork in 2008 and was appointed Director of Children’s Integrated Services in 2013.  Helen will be greatly missed by those who knew, and worked with her and her loss will be felt very deeply.  Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this very sad time. 


Councillor Langton spoke in tribute to Trevor Poole.


Councillors Mellen, Rule and Barnard spoke in tribute to Helen Blackman.


A minute’s silence was held.


Questions from Councillors - to the City Council's lead Councillor on the Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority




Questions from Councillors - to a member of Executive Board, the Chair of a Committee and the Chair of any other City Council body pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


Children’s Services budget savings

Councillor Andrew Rule asked the following question of the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People:

The Portfolio Holder will be aware that one of the budget savings put forward by the Children’s Services Directorate is to return looked after children to their birth families on the rationale that this will reduce longer term care costs.  Can the Portfolio Holder detail what safeguarding measures will be put in place to ensure that the reliance on savings from this proposal does not lead to the welfare of looked after children being compromised?


Councillor Cheryl Barnard replied as follows:


Thank you Lord Mayor and can I thank Councillor Rule for asking this question.  Any plan for a child to return to their family or relative via rehabilitation will be based on a robust assessment which will include the views of their Independent Reviewing Officer and will be part of their agreed Care Plan.  I would add that, in most cases, the aim at the outset of a child entering care should be reunification with their family.  As part of the management oversight, a Panel will be held to provide assurance and scrutiny of the children identified.  This Panel will consider the plan and give approval, if deemed safe and in the best interests of the child.  If at any point during the rehabilitation assessment and work undertaken, information becomes available that would deem the prospect of reunification as poor, as not in the best interests of the child or as unsafe then the plan would cease.  The rehabilitation of children home has always been part of social work duties, by having a dedicated team it will ensure that assessments are timely and robust, including the views of the child and those professionals in the child’s network, it will be based on the child’s lived experience and what that will be if they return home and will provide a support plan based on the family or relative’s needs once the child returns home to ensure that the child continues to be safe and well cared for.  We are also looking at targeting some children who are in their mid-teens and are expected to choose to return home when they reach 18.  The work with the family in those last couple of years will mean that they are more likely to be safe once they reach 18.  The safety and welfare of any child will be the prime priority and consideration in any decision to rehabilitate him or her home to parents or relatives.  Can I assure Councillor Rule that I have looked carefully at this decision and am confident that this approach will not compromise child safety. 


However, we face a national crisis in relation to children services.  The Local Government Association reported as far back as August 2019 that children’s services across the country were facing a £1.4bn shortfall for 2021.  Rising numbers of children in care over the last decade, a reduction in funding from central government  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77.


Decisions taken under Urgency Procedures pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council


Councillor David Mellen, Leader of the Council, presented the report detailing urgent decisions that the Council is required to note, which have been taken under provisions within the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules and Access to Information Rules.  The report was seconded by Councillor Sally Longford.


Resolved to note:


(1)  the following urgent decisions (exempt from call in) taken:


Decision Reference Number

Date of Decision


Value of Decision

Reason for Urgency



To approve receipt of funding and allocation of match funding for energy efficiency improvements


A tight timescale was imposed on the Council by the funders.  Acceptance of funding was required by 21 January.  If the funding had not been accepted by this deadline, the funding would have been lost.



Adult social care workforce requirements due to the Covid-19 pandemic


Given the rapidly worsening Covid-19 situation, the provision of reablement support needed to be extended.  In order to extend staff contracts, notice had to be given to staff within a specific timescale.  If notice had not been given to staff within that time period there would have been a risk that staff may have been lost and a recruitment exercise would have been required, involving time delays and additional cost; and some or all of the reablement support would not have been provided causing potential risks to the health of citizens.



Green Home Grants Local Authority Delivery Phase 2


Details of the grant funding conditions from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy were delayed but the Department did not revise the timescales to take this into account and therefore the decision making and project timescales were compressed.  Delay in the decision could have jeopardised the funding and delivery of the programme.



Adult Social Care Workforce Capacity Fund


There was short notice of the grant award and a tight timescale for delivery, so any delay would have created a risk that the allocation and spend would not have been completed by the deadline, resulting in funding being returned to the Department for Health and Social Care.



Allocation of Adult Social Care Rapid Testing Funding


There was short notice of the grant award and a tight timescale for delivery, so any delay would have created a risk that the allocation and spend would not have been completed by the deadline, resulting in funding being returned to the Department for Health and Social Care.

Executive Board

Minute Ref:83


Budget 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Outlook

·  Housing Revenue Account budget 2021/22 element


In order to meet requirements of the Housing Act 1985 to give tenants 28 days notice of rent increases.


(2)  that there were no decisions taken under the Special Urgency Procedure during this period.


Treasury Management Strategy 2021/22 and Capital Strategy 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Growth and the City Centre

Additional documents:


Councillor Sam Webster, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Growth and the City Centre, presented the report seeking approval of strategies relating to treasury management and capital investment in 2021/22.  The strategies had been endorsed by Executive Board at its meeting on 23 February 2021.  The report was seconded by Councillor David Mellen.


Resolved to:


(1)  approve the 2021/22 Treasury Management Strategy, including the Strategy for Debt Repayment and the Investment Strategy, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report;


(2)  approve the prudential indicators and limits from 2021/22 to 2023/24, as detailed in Appendix 1, section 5.1 to the report;


(3)  adopt the current Treasury Management Policy Statement, as detailed in Appendix 1, section 5.3 to the report; and


(4)  approve the 2021/22 Capital Strategy including the Voluntary Debt Reduction Policy Statement, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.


Budget 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 240 KB

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Growth and the City Centre

Additional documents:


In the interests of transparency, Councillors Steve Battlemuch and Anne Peach declared that they were trustees of the Nottingham Playhouse Board.  This did not prevent them from remaining in the room during consideration of the proposals and voting on this item.


Councillor Sam Webster, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Growth and the City Centre, presented the report setting out proposals for the revenue budget 2021/22, capital programme to 2025/26 and level of council tax for 2021/22.  The report was seconded by Councillor David Mellen.


Councillor David Mellen, seconded by Councillor Sam Webster, proposed an amendment to the proposals, as set out below:


In recommendation 2.1(1) add after “the revenue budget for 2021/22”


“subject to the following:





Reduce the amount of workforce and other savings that do not require  81,715

public consultation from £4.659m to £4.577m, removing a Children and

Young People proposal in relation to the Missing Children’s Team


Remove the Leisure, Culture and IT consultation proposal to introduce a  45,000

Charge for use of city centre toilets


Reduce the Leisure, Culture and IT consultation proposal in relation to  56,630

external grants to cultural partners from £107,000 to £50,370


Use an additional £183,345 of the earmarked Resilience Reserve in order  -183,345

to balance the 2021/22 budget, in light of the proposed amendments above


Total Net Financial Impact   0”


And amend the following recommendations as indicated:

·  In recommendation 2.1(3)(a) replace £990,599,900 with £990,738,245;

·  In recommendation 2.1(3)(b) replace £864,543,774 with £864,682,119



Councillors voted on the proposed amendment.


Resolved to approve the amendment proposed by Councillor Mellen.


Councillor Andrew Rule, seconded by Councillor Kevin Clarke, proposed a further amendment, as set out below:


In recommendation 2.1(1) add after “the revenue budget for 2021/22”


“subject to the following:

Section 1












Reduction in the number of Special Responsibility Positions for Executive Assistants






Voluntary Garden Waste (4 extra garden waste collections a year charged at £10, for those residents who wish to subscribe)






Reduction in payments to Trade Unions specifically for facility time (based on a 25% budget reduction, partial year)






Bulky Waste – Citizens offered one free collection per annum, charges of £15 apply for further collections to fund council tax reductions for all citizens (based on 50% take up)






Release uncommitted Area Capital reserves (one off)






Total Net Financial Impact




Section 2

It is recommended that reviews of the following areas be undertaken:

  • Review of impact on the City Council in the event the Tram Operator fails
  • Review of alternative financing methods to Work Place Parking Levy
  • Audit of availability payments made to operator accurately reflect operational performance
  • Urgent review of waste disposal strategy post 2030
  • Review of parking and traffic enforcement exemptions – NHS City Care Staff, Council employed carers, first responders and on duty emergency personnel
  • Assessment of inefficiencies arising from Internal Charging within City Council
  • Urgent review of parking charges on economy of City Centre

·  Review of asset transfer and use of community trusts for safeguard community assets – specifically  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80.


One Nottingham and the Nottingham Plan to 2020 Final Report pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Communities, Highways and Strategic Transport

Additional documents:


Councillor Rebecca Langton, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Highways and Strategic Transport, presented the report asking Council to note the One Nottingham and Nottingham Plan to 2020 Final Report.  The report was seconded by Councillor David Mellen.


Resolved to note the One Nottingham and Nottingham Plan to 2020 Final Report, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report.


Amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Joint report of the Chair of Audit Committee and Chair of Standards Committee

Additional documents:


Councillor Audra Wynter, Chair of Audit Committee, presented the report proposing amendments to non-executive aspects of the Council’s Constitution, including the terms of reference for the Audit Committee and Councillor Code of Conduct.  The report was seconded by Councillor Neghat Khan, Chair of Standards Committee.


Resolved to


(1)  adopt a revised Councillor Code of Conduct, as set out in Appendix A to the report, to replace the current Councillor’s Code of Conduct and Co-opted Members’ Code of Conduct, and to amend the Constitution accordingly;


(2)  adopt a revised Terms of Reference for the Audit Committee, as set out in Appendix B to the report, and to amend the Constitution accordingly; and


(3)  re-designate the statutory responsibility of the Director of Adult Social Services to the post of Corporate Director for People, and to amend the Constitution accordingly.


Pay Policy Statement 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Report of the Chair of the Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee

Additional documents:


Councillor Dave Liversidge, Chair of the Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee, presented the report proposing approval of the Council’s Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22.  The report was seconded by Councillor David Mellen.


Resolved to


(1)  approve and endorse the Council’s Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22; and


(2)  note that the Statement may need to be amended in-year for any necessary changes the Council may wish to adopt.  Any such changes will be presented to Full Council for approval.


Committee Membership Changes

To note the following changes to Committee membership:

a)  Councillor Sajid Mohammed has resigned as a member of the Regulatory and Appeals Committee

b)  Councillor Angela Kandola has resigned as a member of the Health Scrutiny Committee

c)  Councillor Angela Kandola has been appointed to a vacant seat on the Health and Wellbeing Board

d)  Councillor Lauren O’Grady has resigned as a member of Health Scrutiny Committee


The following committee membership changes were noted:


(1)  Councillor Sajid Mohammed had resigned as a member of the Regulatory and Appeals Committee;


(2)  Councillor Angela Kandola had resigned as a member of the Health Scrutiny Committee;


(3)  Councillor Angela Kandola had been appointed to a vacant seat on the Health and Wellbeing Board; and


(4)  Councillor Lauren O’Grady had been appointed as a member of the Health Scrutiny Committee.


Dates of future meetings

1)  To agree to hold the Annual General Meeting on Monday 26 April 2021 at 2pm remotely on Zoom and livestreamed on the Council’s YouTube Channel; and


2)  To note the proposal to meet at 2pm on the following Mondays:

·  12 July 2021

·  13 September 2021

·  8 November 2021

·  10 January 2022

·  7 March 2022


Resolved to


(1)  hold the Annual General Meeting on Monday 26 April at 2pm remotely on Zoom and livestreamed on the Council’s YouTube Channel; and


(2)  note the proposal to meet at 2pm on the following Mondays:

a.  12 July 2021

b.  13 September 2021

c.  8 November 2021

d.  10 January 2022

e.  7 March 2022