Venue: Council House, Old Market Square
Contact: Jane Garrard, Senior Governance Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillor Hassan Ahmed – on leave Councillor Leslie Ayoola – unwell Councillor Phil Jackson – unwell Councillor Maria Joannou – unwell Councillor Sue Johnson – personal Councillor Rebecca Langton – personal Councillor Dave Liversidge – personal Councillor Mohammed Saghir - unwell |
Declarations of interests Minutes: None |
Questions from citizens Minutes: Housing Conditions LE asked the following question of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and HR: What is the Council going to do about the damp and mould in bungalows in the Beechdale and Bilborough areas of Nottingham? Councillor Toby Neal replied as
follows: |
Petitions from Councillors on behalf of citizens Minutes: Councillor Audrey Dinnall presented a petition on behalf of the Nottingham Council of Mosques calling on the Council to immediately review its policies relating to Muslim burials. The petition states that the new deadline for paperwork submission to the Cemeteries Office of 11:30am for same day burials has resulted in many delayed burials unnecessarily and that the current policy inhibits the Muslim community from carrying out its religious requirements, and requests that the deadline of paperwork permission is changed to 2pm (winter) and 4:30pm (summer) and that the Council upholds a commitment to ensuring all faith groups can practise their faiths freely and commits itself to the Equality Act 2010.
Councillor AJ Matsiko represented a petition on behalf of residents asking the Council to review its decision to increase the rent at The Place Activity Centre in Sherwood and support The Place to remain open as a community hub offering a range of services to the people and small businesses of Sherwood. |
To confirm the minutes of the last meeting of Council held on 31 October 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 31 October 2022 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair. |
To receive official communications and announcements from the Leader of the Council and/or the Chief Executive Minutes: Councillor David Mellen, Leader of the Council, paid tribute to citizen David Bishop, who died in December 2022, for his contribution to political life for over a quarter of a century in Nottingham and other parts of the country.
The Chief Executive reported the following:
I would like to extend my congratulations to all those citizens recognised in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List, including Clive Foster and Natalie Gasson-McKinley.
It is with great sadness that I pay tribute to Fatoumatta Hydara and her two daughters Fatimah and Naeemah Drammeh who tragically died in a fire in Clifton in November. My thoughts are with their family, friends and all those affected by their loss.
A minute’s silence was held. |
Questions from Councillors - to the City Council's lead Councillor on the Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority Minutes: None |
Additional documents: Minutes: Nottingham Castle Councillor Kirsty Jones asked the following question of the Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Planning: Could the Portfolio Holder please inform the residents of the City when the Castle grounds will be open again to the public, after another Council failure and further losses in public funds?
Councillor Pavlos Kotsonis replied as follows: Thank you Lord Mayor and can I thank Councillor Jones for the question. On 30 November last year, following the formal notification of the liquidators appointed to close down the independent Nottingham Castle Trust and its associated companies, the Nottingham Castle site formally came back to the direct control and responsibility of Nottingham City Council. In the last four weeks, which has included the festive break, a number of immediate actions have had to be undertaken by officers in the Museum Service. This has involved a number of things including ensuring that correct arrangements are put in place to safeguard the site, the buildings and the collections displayed within the Castle. I have visited the site myself to ensure all of the collections are safe and I am pleased with the work done by the Museums Team. The Council has also undertaken the necessary collection audits, and from speaking with Arts Council England and National Lottery Heritage Fund was able to assure them of the care of collections taking place. The Council undertook necessary work with the liquidators to ensure assets purchased or owned by the Council on the site were safeguarded and, as part of that work, made arrangements and facilitated site visits from creditors of Nottingham Castle Trust to reclaim assets and stock items agreed with the liquidators for release. The Council has also called coordinated meetings with other funding stakeholders and parties to discuss implications around the collapse of the Trust and the future management of the Castle. In addition, a transitional project board has been set up to accelerate processes and fast track proposals to enable the Council to reopen Nottingham Castle as soon as possible. This is our key priority. As part of the work, we have already seen the development of an emerging new plan and proposals for operating the Castle and the Council has undertaken an in-depth consideration around the reasons why the independent Trust established to operate the castle site failed and what lessons need to be learnt to avoid similar mistakes again in the future. Whilst I cannot give you a definite date today for when the site or its grounds will reopen, I can assure you that work is taking place and I will be in a position to make further public announcements, including when the Castle will open its doors, later this month. We all recognise the fundamental importance the Castle plays, not just as an important culture asset for the city but as an integral part of conveying the story of Nottingham and Nottingham’s rebellious history globally. The contribution it makes to the wider visitor and leisure economy annually to the city ... view the full minutes text for item 59. |
Executive Amendments to the Constitution Report of the Leader of the Council Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor David Mellen, Leader of the Council, presented the report notifying Council of amendments that he had made to the Executive Scheme of Delegation and that Articles 10 and 13 of the Constitution had been revised accordingly. The report was seconded by Councillor Adele Williams.
Resolved to note the amendments to Articles 10 and 13 of the Constitution, as set out in Appendices A and B to the report respectively. |
Members’ Allowances Scheme – Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel Report of the Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor David Mellen, Leader of the Council, presented the report setting out the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, that met in December 2022. Councillor Adele Williams seconded the report.
Resolved to:
(1) approve the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, as set out in Appendix A to the report;
(2) adopt a revised Members’ Allowances Scheme, incorporating the amendments recommended by the Independent Remuneration Panel; and
(3) note that the Governance Framework Document C will be updated accordingly. |
Audit Committee Annual Report 2021/22 Report of the Chair of the Audit Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Sajid Mohammed, Chair of the Audit Committee, presented the Audit Committee Annual Report for 2021/22 summarising the work undertaken by the Committee during the year, how it fulfilled its designated role within the Constitution and how this work relates to its core responsibilities. The report was seconded by Councillor AJ Matsiko.
Resolved to:
(1) note the work undertaken by the Audit Committee during 2021/22; and
(2) accept the Audit Committee Annual Report 2021/22. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Georgia Power Nottingham City Council resolves: 1. that when making any decisions in relation to its policies or formulating its Council Plan it recognises that Care Experienced people are a vulnerable group who face discrimination; 2. that it recognises that councils have a duty to put the needs of vulnerable people at the heart of decision-making through co-production and collaboration; 3. that in the delivery of the Public Sector Equality Duty the Council includes care experience in the publication and review of Equality Objectives and the annual publication of information relating to people who share a Protected Characteristic in services and employment; 4. that this Council will treat care experience as if it were a Protected Characteristic so that future services and policies made and adopted by the Council should be assessed through Equality Impact Assessments to determine the impact of changes on people with care experience, alongside those who formally share a Protected Characteristic; 5. to formally call upon all other bodies to treat care experience as a Protected Characteristic until such time as it may be introduced by legislation; 6. to formally call upon all other bodies to adopt corporate parenting for children in care and care leavers until such time as it may be introduced by legislation; 7. for the Council to proactively seek out and listen to the voices of care experienced people when developing new policies based on their views.
Minutes: Councillor Georgia Power proposed the following motion, which was seconded by Councillor Cheryl Barnard:
Nottingham City Council resolves:
Resolved to carry the motion.
Committee Membership To note the following changes to committee membership: a) Councillor Sam Gardiner has been appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee b) Emma Howard, Head of Nottingham University Samworth Academy, has been appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership Minutes: It was noted that: a) Councillor Sam Gardiner had been appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee; and b) Emma Howard, Head of Nottingham University Samworth Academy, had been appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership. |