
Executive Board
Tuesday, 16th July, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions

Contact: Phil Wye  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interests


Minutes pdf icon PDF 358 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2024, for confirmation


Nottingham City Council Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 353 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council

Additional documents:


Budget Monitoring Period 2 (2024/25) pdf icon PDF 749 KB

Report of the Executive Member for Finance and Resources

Additional documents:


Transfer of Section 106 funds for the extension of Bus Service 50 pdf icon PDF 486 KB

Report of the Executive Member for Strategic Regeneration, Transport and Communications.


Approval to Consult on Supplementary Planning Documents pdf icon PDF 360 KB

Report of the Executive Member for Housing and Planning

Additional documents:


Local Authority Housing Fund Round 3 pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Report of the Executive Member for Housing and Planning


Approval for the development and delivery of a neighbourhood electric vehicle charging programme utilising Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) grant funding. pdf icon PDF 340 KB

Report of the Executive Member for Strategic Regeneration, Transport and Communications

Additional documents:


Expansion of Bluecoat Wollaton Academy pdf icon PDF 271 KB

Report of the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education

Additional documents:


Disposal of The City Ground, Pavilion Road, Nottingham pdf icon PDF 272 KB

Report of the Executive Member for Skills, Growth and Economic Development


Exclusion of the Public

To consider excluding the public from the meeting during consideration of the remaining items in accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, under Schedule 12A, Part 1, Paragraph 3, on the basis that, having regard to all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining an exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information


Expansion of Bluecoat Wollaton Academy - exempt appendix


Disposal of the City Ground, Pavilion Road, Nottingham - exempt appendices