Agenda and minutes

Greater Nottingham Light Rapid Transit Advisory Committee
Tuesday, 14th December, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Remote - To be held remotely via Zoom - View directions

Contact: Kate Morris  Governance Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Councillor Phil Jackson (Nottingham City Council)

Councillor Adele Williams (Nottingham Citu Council)

Roger Bacon – Travel Watch East Midlands

Hugh McClintock - Pedals


Declarations of Interests




Minutes pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2021 for confirmation


The minutes of the meeting held on the 14 September 2021 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Councillor Wheeler requested an update on the site visit agreed at the previous meeting. The Chair advised that there had been a site visit to Queen’s Medical Centre to look at the position of validators and disability access to them. Having observed the use, it was mutually accepted that the validator on the southbound platform had been moved to the most practicable location and that the cost of providing a further  validator on the northbound platform would not be significantly beneficial; the change in colour of the validators had made a considerable positive impact.


Councillor Wheeler asked for an update on work to address a noise complaint from a resident at Heathervale at the junction of Wilford Lane. Trevor Stocker informed the meeting that the engineering team had looked at the issue of ‘wheel squeal’ and greasing and reported that this would continue to be monitored.



NET Operational Performance and Progress Update pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Report of the Head of Operations, Nottingham Trams


Trevor Stocker, Operations Manager for Nottingham Trams presented the NET Operational Performance and Progress update report to the Advisory Committee, highlighting the following points:


a)  There had been an increase in patronage, particularly for journeys made for leisure purposes notably during weekends and evenings. There had also been increased use of the network by students from schools and the universities.


b)  Signage had been altered following the amendment to the Government guidelines making it a mandatory requirement to wear face-masks on public transport (unless exempt) with the majority of people complying.


c)  The programme to upgrade all ticket machines was progressing well with 72 already installed across the network.


d)  There was a continued focus on working with partner agencies to tackle anti-social behaviour on the network including, the local Police, British Transport Police, the Community Protection Team and some charities.  NET had supported a successful bid to the Home Office as part of the ‘Safer Streets’ campaign, to tackle violence against women and girls.


e)  One of the work streams resulting from the Home Office funding was to fund a dedicated patrol by a sergeant and 6 officers one weekend night a month, running from November 2021 to March 2022. Meetings were held on a monthly basis with the Police to share data, information and CCTV to ensure that the effective and efficient use of resource to perform targeted work.


In response to questions asked by the Committee, the following information was noted:


f)  The Government announcement that people should work from home, where possible, had impacted almost immediately across the public transport sector. The number of ‘app’ sales had decreased by 20% in a week.


g)  Different deals were being explored with various industries to help the economy grow especially where the cost of trams has been seen as a barrier for those working in low paid jobs.


The Committee thanked Trevor Stocker for his update and noted the contents of the report.



Tramlink Update

Update from the Chief Operating Officer, Tramlink Nottingham


Andrew Conroy, Chief Operating Officer, Tramlink Nottingham updated the Committee and the following points were highlighted:


a)  The company accounts would be released in the next few weeks, with revenue reduced, compared to pre-pandemic levels. Work was being undertaken to support and address the issues being faced. Tramlink had just launched their external Corporate Social Responsibility statement.


b)  On 16th December 2021, there would be a Tram naming event for Sir Martyn Poliakoff which would be the last of the semi-permanent trams being named. In the New Year a competition would be held in conjunction with Nottingham Post to name a Tram as part of the Community Hero Awards.


c)  Work was being undertaken with Nottingham Forest Football Club to explore the possibility of offering Tram season tickets which would only be valid on match days to encourage supporters onto the trams.


The Committee noted the update


NET Revenue Strategy pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Report of the Head of Operations, Nottingham Trams


Andrew Conroy, Chief Operating Officer, Tramlink Nottingham, updated the Committee and highlighted the following points:


a)  There was a continued need to look at who the customers are and the improvements that could be made to facilitate and encourage increased usage of the trams.


b)  Nottingham Trams and Tramlink continued to work together; Revenue Protection was not necessarily about people deliberately de-frauding the system but focus was needed on ensuring ticket purchasing was quick and simple for the customer and accessible through its pricing policies


c)  There had been focus on the return of students to school and universities and various incentives offered to attract them to the trams and it was noted that the last year was the most successful in terms of the amount of times the NetGo app had been downloaded


The Committee noted the report.



Issues Raised by Committee Members and Citizens


No issues were raised by Committee members or citizens. The Chair asked that if any issues needed to be raised that they be put forward in good time for the next meeting to allow a comprehensive response


Work Plan pdf icon PDF 10 KB


The work programme was noted and it was agreed that a report on the work with the Police as part of the ‘Safer Streets’ initiative be reported back at a future meeting.


Future Meeting Dates

To note the future meeting dates:

15 March 2021 2pm



The Committee noted the future meeting date: 15 March 2022 2pm