Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions
Contact: Mark Leavesley
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 25 October 2022 (for confirmation) Minutes: The Committee agreed the minutes of the last meeting held on 25 October 2022 as a correct record and they were signed by the Chair. |
NET operational performance and progress update PDF 121 KB Report of Head of Operations, Nottingham Trams Minutes: Trevor Stocker, Operations Manager, Nottingham Trams, presented the report, updating the Committee on performance and NET progress since the last meeting, and stated the following:
i. reliability was 93.4% and 97%, and punctuality 88% and 93% for October and November respectively;
ii. the power outage on 15 October would normally not have been an issue, however, there was an issue with the back-up power system not working. This has now been resolved so the issue should not occur again;
iii. there are still incidents of cars driving onto tracks, especially at Lenton Lane, and improved signage and road markings are being considered.
Resolved to note the update. |
Tramlink update Update from the Chief Operating Officer, Tramlink Nottingham Minutes: As no Tramlink representative was in attendance at the meeting, this item was deferred. |
Issue raised by citizen PDF 106 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Martin Williams, Major Projects Governance Manager, presented the report, which detailed a complaint from a City resident in relation to track noise and vibration, whenever trams pass over points located south of Bulwell Tram stop, affecting their mental health and wellbeing and resulting in damage to their property.
During discussion, members requested that an inspection visit be made to the property, and that portable monitoring equipment be used to assess the levels of vibration in and around the property.
Resolved that
(1) a visit to the property concerned be organised to inspect potential cracks and ascertain the root cause of any that are found;
(2) portable monitoring equipment be used to assess the levels of noise and vibration at the property concerned;
(3) Mr Williams submit an update report in respect of this complaint and the findings from resolutions (1) and (2) above to the next meeting of the Committee. |
Work Plan Discussion item Minutes: The Committee agreed the following additions to the work plan:
(a) To be a standing item at all future meetings:
- Anti-social behaviour (ASB) on the network;
(b) For the next meeting:
- a report into ASB issues specifically at Compton Acres / Clifton (as part of the report as per minute 30(a) above);
- an update report in respect of minute 29 above (as detailed in the resolutions of that minute). |
Date of next meeting To be held at Loxley House at 2.00pm on Tuesday 14 March 2023 Minutes: The Committee noted that the next meeting will be held at 2.00pm at Loxley House on Tuesday 23 March 2023. |