Venue: Remote - To be held remotely via Zoom - View directions
Contact: Mark Leavesley
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillor Williams (City) – other business Matt Neal (County) |
Declarations of interests Minutes: None. |
Last meeting held on 11 September 2020 (for confirmation) Minutes: (a) Confirmation
The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2020 as a correct record and they were signed by the Chair.
(b) Matters arising
Further to minute 7, it was stated that both Councils and the Joint Officers Steering Group had all submitted individual responses to the Government’s ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper consultation prior to the deadline of 31 October 2020. |
Midlands Engine Rail: Strategy update Presentation by Richard Mann, Midlands Connect Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from Midlands Connect representatives Richard Mann (Rail Programme Manager) and Stephen Pauling (Interim Head of Rail and HS2), regarding rail connectivity proposals between Nottingham and other cities.
During discussion, and in response to questions, the following comments were made and additional information given:
i. the potential for an underpass to prevent ‘bottle-necks’ on the Nuneaton to Coventry line is being investigated;
ii. discussions with Network Rail are ongoing regarding a flyover of the East Coast Mainline on the Nottingham to Lincoln/Newark proposed line;
iii. to address capacity issues between Trent Junction and Nottingham, a new northern route, via Trowell, is proposed, potentially doubling the current capacity;
iv. consideration should be given to utilising existing sub-urban networks to shorten journey times;
v. the National Infrastructure Commission’s National Rail Assessment Report is expected shortly into rail investment in the Midlands and the North, including recommendations on HS2/Toton.
(1) to note the presentation and that the thanks of the Committee to Messrs Mann and Pauling for the informative presentation be recorded;
(2) that the Transport Strategy Manager be requested to include an update regarding the station at Faraday Road in the ‘Transport update’ report submitted to the next meeting. |
East Midlands Development Corporation Ken Harrison, Nottinghamshire County Council, to report Minutes: The Committee received a presentation by Ken Harrison, Programme Director, HS2 (County), into a regional collaboration for growth around HS2 and other infrastructure investment by Government. The main point were as follows:
i. the East Midlands Development Corporation programme has its origins in the HS2 and rail growth strategy, and is a regional collaboration delivery vehicle, working alongside HS2 investment to unlock regional potential, including road, rail and other improvements;
ii. the Government requested Midland Engine lead the process, and a group, including all local authorities, the university sector and 3 local enterprise partnerships (Lincs, Leics and D2N2) was formed to oversee it;
iii. the main outcome of the programme is to put the East Midlands on the Government’s ‘investment map’ to be able to build capacity in the region as it is currently bottom of the list for investment vs population in the UK;
iv. the current focus is on 3 investment opportunities for ‘living and working’, ‘making’ and ‘moving’ – Toton and Chetwynd Barracks site (to be decommissioned in 2024), Ratcliffe Power Station site (the last coal-powered station of its type in the UK, to be decommissioned in 2025) and East Midlands Airport (the largest freight handling airport in the UK);
v. major projects are planned for the sites by 2045:
· Toton and Chetwynd Barracks (‘living and working’) – creation of 6,000 jobs and next generation net-zero living, with green and blue corridors, in at least 4,500 homes; · Ratcliffe Power Station (‘making’) – development of the site for industry and innovation; · East Midlands Airport (‘moving’) – expansion of capacity;
vi. overall, the regional proposals will create 85,000 jobs, provide 4,500 new homes and lead to £4.8billion of Gross Value Added (GVA);
vii. between 12 October to 22 November 2020, a virtual public engagement was carried out, which had 4,379 individual ‘visitors’. There were also 38,000 leaflet-drops to homes in the region.
The Committee stated that the proposed numbers of jobs and homes was excellent and would be good for the regional economies.
In response to questions, Mr Harrison stated the following:
· regarding connectivity between the proposed developments and regional villages and outlying districts not currently very well provided for in terms of public transport, a Connectivity Technical Working Group, consisting of officers and government agencies, was looking at inclusive growth and connectivity across the whole region;
· in respect of possible runway extensions at East Midlands Airport, while Mr Harrison acknowledged that this was not his area of expertise, his understanding was that the existing runways were sufficient for any current proposals;
· if the HS2/Toton report was not favourable when published, an options plan is in place, looking at governance and infrastructure for any required changes.
Resolved to note the information, and that the thanks of the Committee to Mr Harrison for the informative presentation, be recorded. |
Greater Nottingham Joint Planning Advisory Board update PDF 108 KB Report of Joint Officer Steering Group Additional documents:
Minutes: Matt Gregory, Head of Planning Strategy and Building Control (City), presented the report, which updated the Committee on the work of the Greater Nottingham Joint Planning Advisory Board, including the minutes of its meeting held on 30 June 2020 and a copy of its response to the Government’s ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper consultation.
Resolved to note the report. |
Report of Joint Officer Steering Group Minutes: Sally Gill, Group Manager Planning (County), presented the report, detailing the latest position in respect of the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan and Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan.
Ms Gill stated that the deadline for comments on the published main modifications to the Minerals Plan is 08 January 2021, following which the main modifications and any comments will be submitted to the Inspector for approval.
Also, a meeting of the Waste Local Plan Members Working Group will be scheduled for early 2021 to discuss comments received on the ‘Issues and Options’ consultation earlier in 2020, after which will be completion of a report of consultation, updating of the ‘Waste Needs Assessment’ and preparation of a ‘Draft Plan’ for consultation.
In response to questions and comments, Ms Gill stated the following:
i. a gravel extraction site is proposed at Barton-in-Fabis;
ii. the Members Working Group will be an opportunity to investigate waste disposal, and more carbon-neutral uses, such as the de-carbonising of the gas supply.
(1) to note the report;
(2) that Ms Gill forward to members the link to the main modifications consultation. |
Report of Joint Officer Steering Group Minutes: James Ashton, Transport Strategy Manager (City), presented the report, updating the Committee on transport related matters across the Greater Nottingham area, including those arising as a result of the pandemic, the D2N2 Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan, and recent funding awards.
In response to questions and comments, the following additional information was given:
i. in respect of the Government’s E-scooter scheme currently being trialled in the City, the scooters have GPS and automatically switch off once the city boundary is crossed. However, this does not stop people carrying them to outlying areas around the City. If a scooter is found outside the City, the team running the scheme can be contacted at Wind Mobility customer services, telephone 0330 133 32 31 or email, to collect them. This is also the contact details to report any anti-social behaviour by users of the scooters;
The team also collect any scooter that requires a replacement battery and returns it to the appropriate collection point;
ii. in respect of the following, Mr Ashton will contact the appropriate member once he has the relevant information / to discuss further:
· cycle routes in St Ann’s; · why there is no definitive finish date in respect of the Clifton Bridge works; · the potential impact of the pandemic / working from home on commuting and local transport plans in the future.
Resolved to note the report. |
For noting / discussion Minutes: The Committee noted the work programme and requested it be amended to include an item on the East Midlands Rail Franchise. |
Date of next meeting To note that the next meeting will be held at 10.30am on Friday 05 March 2021, either at Loxley House or remotely via Zoom (dependent on the pandemic situation at the time) Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 10.30am on Friday 05 March 2021, either at Loxley House, Station Street, or remotely via Zoom (depending on the pandemic situation at the time) |