Venue: Fire and Rescue Services HQ, Bestwood Lodge, Arnold Nottingham NG5 8PD
Contact: Catherine Ziane-Pryor Email:
No. | Item |
Of the meeting held on 16 January 2015 (for confirmation). Minutes: The Committee confirmed the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2015 as a true record and they were signed by the Chair. |
REVENUE AND CAPITAL MONITORING REPORT TO FEBRUARY 2015 PDF 296 KB Report of Chief Fire Officer Minutes: Neil Timms, Strategic Director of Finance and Resources, presented the report which informs members of the financial performance of the Service for the year 2014/15 up to the end of February 2015. The report focuses on key areas where variances against the predicted outturn may occur.
While the total revenue budget is £42.9 million, there is a predicted underspend of £556,000 which equates to a variance of 1%.
The report outlines estimated outturn within the following areas which present very little change from the information previously provided, with only minor fluctuations:
It is noted that the total financial impact of the strike cannot be determined yet but will be reported to a future meeting.
Member’s questions were responded to as follows:
(a) as the retirement age is extended and staff are expected to work longer, the impact on the Service of age related health issues will be monitored and appropriate provision made available;
(b) attracting candidates for the Prince’s Trust Scheme via Colleges has proved less successful than predicted. However, once engaged with the Service’s scheme, the majority of young people do successfully complete the course. Courses are not currently running at full capacity but an overview of the situation is being monitored. While the scheme is unlikely to operate at a surplus in the near future, the deficit of £94,000 does include a group of one-off termination payments totalling approximately £52,000 so the deficit is not as significant as it initially appears.
Members acknowledged the value of the Prince’s Trust Scheme and requested further information on the scheme as through case work, Councillors may come across young people who are eligible and would benefit from the Scheme.
With regard to the Capital Budget, variances in the following areas were outlined:
In updating the report, it is noted that since February:
o the Retford Fire Station has opened and is operational; o contracts have been exchanged for the sale of the former Central Fire Station site to Nottingham City Council; o the purchase of land on London Road Nottingham has been completed; o the new ‘Bronto’ appliance performed very well at the Players Street fire when it was used constantly for 10 days.
(1) to note the report;
(2) to approve an additional capital budget of £90,000 within the 2015/16 Capital Programme for the provision of an Incident Command Training Facility at Service Head Quarters, to be financed from Capital Earmarked Reserve;
(3) for members of the Authority to receive a briefing note outlining the opportunities available through the Service’s provision of Prince’s Trust Scheme, including the process for referring eligible young people.
PRUDENTIAL CODE MONITORING REPORT TO 31 MARCH 2015 PDF 170 KB Report of the Treasurer to the Fire Authority Minutes: Peter Hurford, Treasurer to the Authority, presented the report which informs members of the performance of prudential indicators for capital accounting and treasury management for the final quarter of the 2014/15 financial year.
It is noted that the performance against some of the prudential indicators cannot be effectively measured at this stage so will be reported within the Treasury Management Annual Report.
The report contains an overview of the Treasury Management Indicators and or Prudential limits, including:
RESOLVED to note the report.
EXTERNAL AUDIT PLAN 2014/2015 PDF 739 KB Report of Chief Fire Officer Minutes: Andy Cardoza, KPMG External Auditor, presented the KPMG External Audit Plan for examining the 2014/15 accounts.
It is noted that following an initial risk assessment for the financial statements, no specific significant risks have been identified other than ‘management override of controls’ and ‘fraudulent revenue recognition’, as outlined within the Plan.
RESOLVED to note the report.
ROAD RISK GROUP ACTION PLAN PDF 173 KB Report of Chief Fire Officer Minutes: Craig Parkin, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, presented the report which informs members of the Road Risk Group Action Plan which has been created to help minimise the number and extent of emergency and non-emergency responding vehicle incidents and therefore further reduce insurance premiums.
The Service is working with Nottingham Trent University and will analyse and learn from incidents with information shared with and between the Police and other Fire and Rescue Authorities.
The main areas for focus in the plan are:
A report on the progress against the Action Plan will be submitted to a future meeting.
RESOLVED to note the Road Risk Group Action Plan.