Venue: Fire and Rescue Services HQ, Bestwood Lodge, Arnold Nottingham NG5 8PD
Contact: Catherine Ziane-Pryor Email:
No. | Item |
Of the meeting held on 10 July 2015 (for confirmation). Minutes: Councillor Brian Grocock informed the Chair that he was recorded as being a member of the Committee at the last meeting dated 10 July 2015, when in fact he was an observer. On the basis that this would be amended, the Chair signed the minutes as a correct record. |
REVENUE AND CAPITAL MONITORING TO AUGUST 2015 PDF 239 KB Report of Chief Fire Officer Minutes: Sue Maycock, Head of Finance, introduced the Revenue and Capital Monitoring Report to August 2015, highlighting the following points:
(a) overall, pay variances are at 1%;
(b) delays on the London Road site have mean that some of the budget will slip forward to 2016/17;
(c) there is no longer a capital grant being received from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG);
Following questions from Councillors, the following information was provided:
(d) there has been a period of transition where the Fire Service has required additional capacity, and overtime has been used as an interim measure. Overtime is a concern, and efforts have been made to reduce it;
(e) the Supplies and Services budget is expected to be overspent by £204,000. Previous years have seen underspends in this area; retained staff were 70 posts short of current levels. The retained budget will need to increase next year, and will recognise the greater contribution retained employees will be making to the Fire Service;
(f) on the project to implement the Tri-Service Control system is on-going. The 3rd stage payment at Go Live has not taken place as yet, as the system is not delivering to the required standard. A full report is to be brought to the next Policy and Strategy meeting;
(g) industrial action remains a risk, although a 7 day notice for a strike would be required. Contingency crews continue to be monitored. Some appliances and equipment have been released, and if there is a strike, front-line appliances will be used.
(1) note the report;
(2) update members at the next meeting on how the delivery of new vehicles is progressing. |
PRUDENTIAL CODE MONITORING REPORT TO 31 AUGUST 2015 PDF 388 KB Report of Treasurer to the Fire Authority Minutes: Mark Kimberley, Interim Treasurer to the Fire Authority presented the Prudential Code Monitoring Report to 31 August 2015, highlighting the following points:
(a) the main exception to compliance is loan maturity;
(b) there is an opportunity to borrow, which would have interest implications. The Fire Authority would need to stay conscious of the market;
RESOLVED to note the report. |
INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT – CARDIFF CHECKS PDF 231 KB Report of Chief Fire Officer Minutes: Sue Maycock, Head of Finance introduced the Internal Audit Report.
RESOLVED to note the report.
RESCUE PUMP COLLABORATIVE PROCUREMENT PDF 153 KB Report of Chief Fire Officer Minutes: Ian Pritchard, Head of Procurement and Resources presented the report on Rescue Pump Collaborative Procurement, highlighting the following points:
(a) a contract is in place which will allow 24 pumps to be purchased in total by the Fire Service and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue (12 pumps each). There is a discount associated with the purchase; the more pumps that are bought, the higher the level of discount. The cost of a pump is around £160,000 before the discount is applied;
(b) reductions nationally to the Fire Service may impact on cross-border support. This applies to the Loughborough area in particular at a local level. This is becoming an increasing factor for risk management;
(c) the current 12 pump commitment can be reduced, but the discount would fall accordingly;
RESOLVED to note the report. |
NEW LONDON ROAD FIRE STATION PROJECT PDF 146 KB Report and presentation of Chief Fire Officer Minutes: Ian Pritchard, Head of Procurement and Resources presented the report on the new London Road Fire Station Project, highlighting the following points:
(a) accommodation is to be provided for the Nottingham City Council’s (NCC) Emergency Planning Team (EPT) who are to take out a 50 year lease. NCC will pay for their own gas and electric supplies. NCC is able to terminate its lease after 10 years without any financial claw-back from Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service;
(b) early reports for the project reported a cost of £5.5million. After competitive tender, the project cost came to £5million;
(c) qualified risks such as contamination cleaning needed to be addressed. There was more asbestos than expected;
(d) a verbal response from the Environmental Agency (EA) has been received saying that they are happy with the work that has been carried out. This response is required in writing;
(e) insurance was taken out on the site. If any risks are found off-site and are traced back, the insurance will cover this eventuality;
Following questions from Councillors, the following information was provided:
(f) Councillor Clarke expressed concern that some manufacturers of steel are providing low quality steel that can be difficult to weld. He was reassured that any steel being used must meet British standards, and the steel supplier to the site has been happy with the standard;
(g) the total cost of the project is due to come in under the original forecast of £5.5million. Councillors expressed pleasure at this announcement;
RESOLVED to note the content of the report. |