Venue: Fire and Rescue Services HQ, Bestwood Lodge, Arnold Nottingham NG5 8PD
Contact: James Welbourn Email:
No. | Item |
Of the meeting held on 22 January 2016 (for confirmation). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2016 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
SHAPING OUR FUTURE - WINTER CONFERENCES AND VALUES UPDATE PDF 247 KB Report of the Chief Fire Officer. Minutes: Wayne Bowcock, Deputy Chief Fire Officer at Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service introduced a report providing Members with an overview of recent employee engagement activities and Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service’s new set of values.
The following points were highlighted:
(a) the three winter conferences were attended by over 200 staff from a cross section of Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue (NFRS);
(b) some members of staff spoke out saying that they had previously felt unable to challenge decisions made by senior members of staff. These members of staff were encouraged to challenge decisions where they felt the need;
(c) the service’s new set of values has now been launched onto the staff intranet;
(d) part-time staff were underrepresented at the sessions. A specific session organised for part-time staff did not manage to get enough attendees – this session is to be rescheduled for a later date.
RESOLVED to note the content of the report.
SHAPING OUR FUTURE - ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND INCLUSION PERFORMANCE MONITORING PDF 217 KB Report of the Chief Fire Officer. Minutes: Matt Sismey, Equality and Diversity Officer at Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service introduced a report outlining to Members proposals for new reporting arrangements for organisational development, as well as inclusion and equalities activities at the Service.
The following points were highlighted:
(a) there is an expectation that NFRS meets the public sector equality duty;
(b) whole-time recruitment has taken place on a 4 to 5 year basis, with 2012 being the last time this took place;
(c) retained recruitment has increased over the last 12-24 months, but retained recruitment only deals with a small group of people that live or work within 5 minutes of the nearest Fire Station;
(d) NFRS take in undergraduates and apprentices. There is engagement with young people in both operational and non-operational parts of the service. 2% of the workforce must be formed by apprenticeships.
Currently, turnover of staff in all sections of NFRS is very low;
(e) historically a positive action campaign has been run before a recruitment drive – a solid action strategy will be required over the next 24 months;
(f) Worksop Fire and Rescue Station worked really hard on diversity with their cadet scheme – 50% of individuals involved in the process were female.
(1) congratulate NFRS on their performance on this topic;
(2) agree the new reporting arrangements outlined in Paragraph 2.4 of the report.
HUMAN RESOURCES UPDATE PDF 693 KB Report of the Chief Fire Officer. Minutes: Tracy Crump, Head of People and Organisational Development at Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service updated Members on key Human Resources metrics for the period 1 January – 31 March 2016.
The following points were highlighted:
(a) there has been a slight reduction in sickness absence recently;
(b) nationally, mental health issues are top of the agenda;
(c) information for staff is available on the Occupational health intranet site. The Service trains fitness instructors to maintain fitness levels and help prolong careers;
(d) NFRS look at all avenues to keep people in work. If the only option for an employee is to be away from work, NFRS maintain regular contact;
(e) disappointingly targets for sickness absence haven’t been met this year, however long-term conditions have played a significant part in this;
(f) there are different types of support offered for different levels of mental health. Both talking therapy and professional support are available;
(g) mental health issues affect employees of all ages – there is no pattern amongst reported cases;
(h) whole time establishment has been reduced from 510-476. 10 posts at Worksop have now been removed.
The ‘balancing the budget’ review has been completed.
The specialist rescue team review went live in the first week of April, with the second stage due in October. This will allow NFRS to delete 20 posts from the establishment.
RESOLVED to endorse the report.
CONVERSION OF POSTS PDF 131 KB Report of the Chief Fire Officer. Minutes: Wayne Bowcock, Deputy Chief Fire Officer at Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service introduced a report updating Members on the posts which have been re-designated during the period April 2015 – March 2016.
RESOLVED to note the contents of the report. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To consider excluding the public from the meeting during consideration of the remaining item in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the basis that, having regard to all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information by virtue of Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Minutes: RESOLVEDto exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the remaining item in accordance with section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the basis that, having regard to all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, as defined in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Schedule 12 A to the Act. |
VOLUNTARY REDUNDANCY APPLICATION Report of the Chief Fire Officer. Minutes: Wayne Bowcock, Deputy Chief Fire Officer at Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, presented the report on voluntary redundancy applications.
RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations contained within the report. |
REGRADING OF POSTS Report of the Chief Fire Officer. Minutes: Tracy Crump, Head of People and Organisational Development at Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, presented the report on regrading of posts.
RESOLVED to note the contents of the report.