Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions
Contact: Laura Wilson Senior Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillor Merlita Bryan – personal reasons Councillor Jane Lakey – leave Councillor Carol McCulloch - leave |
Declarations of interests Minutes: None. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 June 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 8 June 2022 were confirmed as a correct record and were singed by the Chair. |
Together for Nottingham Plan - Progress update by the Leader Report of the Head of Legal and Governance Minutes: Councillor David Mellen, Leader of the Council, presented the report on progress made on the priorities in the Together for Nottingham Plan, and highlighted the following:
the Government has announced that they are minded to appoint
commissioners to the Council. Letters of support for the Council
have been sent to the Minister but there is uncertainty on when a
final response will be given. If commissioners are appointed they
will work with the Council for a period of 2 years; (b)
the rising cost of living is affecting many Council services,
particularly in terms of fuel costs. This has been incorporated
into corporate risk planning; (c)
recruitment is underway for a new Corporate Director of Finance and
Resources; (d)
a new reserves policy was recently agreed and the asset sales
programme continues to provide a capital receipt for the
Council; (e)
Nottingham City Homes will be in-housed to the Council, and
consultation has started with trade unions and staff, as all staff
will be brought into the Council workforce; (f)
a prioritisation exercise is being undertaken for the Capital
Programme as funds for this can no longer be borrowed but must come
from grants or sales receipts; (g)
a staff opinion survey is being planned as it has not been
conducted for some time; (h)
the Transformation Programme is making progress in making savings
from the areas required; (i) of the refreshed Council Plan targets, 110 of 142 are expected to be achieved, with 26 rated as amber and 6 rated as red in terms of achievability.
During the discussion which followed, and in response to questions from the Committee, the following points were made:
there has been no official Government response from the last two
reports of the Improvement and Assurance Board. The Board’s
message has been for improvement work to continue despite
uncertainties in the Government and commissioners; (k)
in terms of the review of Council owned companies, it has been
difficult to recruit to the team dealing with it. However, Thomas
Bow has been sold and the National Ice Arena are in a much stronger
position than previously. Resolved to
request that at the next meeting the Council Plan
pledges be split into statutory and non-statutory
functions; (2) schedule the staff survey response for a future meeting. |
Libraries Transformation Report of the Head of Legal and Governance
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Pavlos Kotsonis, Portfolio Holder
for Leisure, Culture and Planning, delivered a presentation to the
Committee on the findings from the Library Needs Assessment and
Public Consultation, highlighting the following: (a)
Nottingham City Council must continue to provide a comprehensive
and efficient library service but continues to face a challenging
financial situation and is required to make recurrent budget
savings across all its services as part of its medium term
financial plan. The closure of libraries remains a threat, however
there are a range of options and the Council would like as many
libraries to remain open as possible; (b)
the consultation on the Library Service
ran between 31 January until 24 April 2022 via surveys, and
generated 2,979 responses. Five public engagement sessions also
took place which were attended by 220
attendees. A number of letters were received from a number of
national and regional organisations, a local Save Nottingham
Libraries group was formed, and one petition was presented to Full Council with 2800
signatories; (c)
the majority of respondents were female,
over 65 and white. Work was done to try and reach under-represented groups but this was less
successful than hoped. The majority of respondents disagreed with
the closure of libraries for a variety of reasons; (d)
the three libraries that have been identified for possible closure
were chosen as they have lower numbers of visits, book issues,
computer use and active users than other libraries, and because
there are other libraries which can be reached by bus, tram or foot
from the areas where these libraries are located; (e)
suggested alternatives to closure
include increasing co-ordination with other services as multi-use
sites, reviewing opening hours, technology-enabled opening, and
support from community or voluntary sector organisations to run the
buildings. All of these options have associated risks; (f) a final decision has not been made as the Council would need commitment from local community groups or the voluntary sector were they to take over the running of buildings. There are also possible income streams that the Council is bidding for such as the Library Transformation Fund.
During the discussion which followed, and in
response to questions from the Committee, the following points
were made: (g)
the consultation did attempt to garner responses from
under-represented groups, with engagement sessions organised in all
libraries; (h)
some wards may have no community
facilities left in them if the library closes, such as Radford
ward. All libraries were looked at independently of other
facilities and the and the alternative for the Radford area would
be Hyson Green library at 20 minutes
walk from the area; (i)
when looking at library usage, figures from before the pandemic in
2019-20 were used as a baseline; (j)
all schools were contacted and a
questionnaire was put to them for children to respond to the
consultation. The Youth Parliament were also
consulted along with other organisations that work with
young people. It was suggested that children could be consulted
through the Summer Reading Challenge; (k)
a formal application to the Libraries
Transformation Fund is being made in September, with the result to
be known in February. Conversations with community and voluntary
groups are ongoing; (l)
no religious groups such as mosques were directly consulted as a
part of the consultation; (m)libraries play an important role in reducing social
isolation and improving mental health. Due to this, the Public
Health and People Directorates have been involved with this
process; (n)
the Council is in the process of drawing up an Asset Transfer
Policy which would allow the libraries to be transferred to
ownership of community and voluntary sector
organisations; (o)
Nottingham North has the 8th
highest literacy need in the country. This was taken into account
when making proposals, and the wording
of the survey was simplified. Library staff helped users to
complete forms if required, but the number of times that this
happened was not recorded; (p)
risk of a successful judicial review
should be low, as the Council have followed best practice and been
robust in their consultation. This can be evidenced by the number
of responses received, the establishment of the Save Nottingham
Libraries group, and the petition; (q) the wider national context would be useful in order to know the situation in other local authorities, and what their responses have been. It would also be useful to know the demographics of respondents as to whether they are from the LGBT+ community or are disabled, and also how these levels compare to library users as a whole.
Having considered all of the information
available, the Committee felt that the consultation could have been
more thorough, and that further effort could
have been made to engage under-represented groups. Resolved to request that
a review of the consultation process is undertaken, and
lessons learnt are reported back to the Committee; (2)
consideration is given to people who might be reluctant
to share their details with authorities when considering technology
accessed libraries; (3)
consideration is given to who would be an appropriate
the partner is when considering shared usage; (4)
a mapping exercise of other community facilities, such
as leisure centres or community centres is carried out; (5)
engagement is undertaken with all schools; (6)
feedback from the Health and People directorates is
shared in full; (7)
the draft Community Asset Transfer Policy be discussed
at a future meeting of this Committee; (8)
more context setting be included in consultation
responses, and include LGBT+ and disability data, including any
themes that were identified particularly with different
communities; (9)
a log of the impact on individual wards of all major
decisions, taking demographics into account, is
maintained; (10)
a mapping exercise of all voluntary and community
sector organisations, in particular those serving citizens with
protected characteristics, is carried out and relationships
established so that they can be easily contacted as a part of any
consultation; (11) ward councillors are consulted before any final decision is made. |
Public Sculptures and Monuments Policy Development Report of the Head of Legal and Governance
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Pavlos Kotsonis, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Planning, delivered a presentation to the Committee on a proposed policy setting out guidance for applicants and decision makers to consider when proposals are put forward for statues, monuments and public art to be installed on Council owned land, highlighting the following:
the principle of the policy is to encourage all statues and
monuments on Council owned land to celebrate or explain the
City’s heritage and culture in a way that is compatible with
life in a modern, diverse City; (b)
Nottingham City does not have a policy on statues and monuments,
which are common in other cities. It will cover new statues and
public art installations on land owned by the City Council which
are intended to be in place for more than 6 months, but
doesn’t cover temporary installations, murals, small
memorials or those on private land; (c) applicants will be asked to complete a form in support of their proposal with details of the artwork, the person, group or event it represents and evidence of community support for the proposal.
During the discussion which followed, and in response to questions from the Committee, the following points were made:
the policy is not specific on the size of statues and monuments
covered as they will be based on their significance, base of public
support and location; (e)
the policy does not cover the removal of monuments and
statues; (f)
statues and monuments would also have to pass the planning process,
but this does not cover culture, morals and appropriateness which
this policy aims to address; (g)
evidence will be required that all relevant community groups have
been consulted and show their support; (h) the policy does not cover murals, but these would be covered in a separate planned street art policy.
Resolved to request that
the proposed policy on street art be brought to a
future meeting of this Committee; (2)
ward councillor consultation be included in the
policy; (3) the policy be reviewed as appropriate. |
Report of the Head of Legal and Governance Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Sam Gardiner, Chair of the Committee, introduced the work programme, and proposed to add the following items to future meetings:
a) the Crime and Drugs Partnership be invited to the November meeting of the Committee;
b) the draft Street Art Policy;
c) the draft Community Asset Transfer Policy;
d) the staff survey outcome.
The Committee noted the work programme for 2022-23, with the addition of the above items at appropriate times. |