Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Committee
Wednesday, 21st August, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions

Contact: Catherine Ziane-Pryor  Governance Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Councillor Leslie Ayoola – leave

Councillor Graham Chapman - leave

Councillor Kevin Clarke – unwell

Councillor Pavlos Kotsonis - leave

Councillor Sam Lux – leave


Chairing Arrangements


In the absence of the Chair, Councillor Kirsty L Jones chaired the Committee meeting in her capacity as Vice-Chair.


Declarations of Interests




Minutes pdf icon PDF 197 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2024, for confirmation


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2024 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair


Site Of 2 Queens Road Nottingham pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Rob Percival, Area Planning Manager, presented application 22/02422/PFUL3 for planning permission for purpose built student accommodation and associated infrastructure, including demolition of the existing two storey vacant building (west side of site).


A presentation was made which included indicative images of the proposal and, in the discussion which followed, the following points were made:


(a)  the proposal is a departure from Policy SA1 as purpose-built student accommodation does not form part of the uses listed as being acceptable under the site allocation policy, of which 2 Queens Road is a part. Despite this, the individual characteristics of the site suggest that the site is suitable for student accommodation, as there is a mix of commercial and residential uses in the immediate area including other new build apartment and student schemes. Policy RE2 does not preclude student accommodation where it is compatible with the activity of nearby uses. As the proposal is compatible with its context and that there is need for student accommodation, the proposal will accord with Policy 8 of the ACS and Policies HO5 and RE2 of the LAPP;

(b)  developers of new student accommodation must justify the need for student beds as a part of the application process. Vacancy rates are monitored closely and show low vacancy and high demand currently. Universities have experienced lower numbers of students in the past year but the demand for this type accommodation has not fallen away due to increasing numbers in previous years;

(c)  the development of this derelict site is welcomed and the design of the building blends well with its surroundings.

Resolved to


(1)  grant planning permission for the reasons set out in the report, subject to

(i)  prior completion of a Section 106 Planning Obligation, to secure the following:

·  a financial contribution of £176,018 towards Affordable Housing in lieu of on-site provision;

·  a financial contribution of £106,460 towards the provision or enhancement of off-site Public Open Space or Public Realm, in lieu of on-site provision;

·  a Local Employment and Training contribution of £22,595, including targets associated with Local Employment and Training Opportunities;

·  a Student Management Scheme, which shall include a restriction on car usage, mitigation and management of potential noise nuisance, security details, cleaning and refuse management


(2)  delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Transport to determine the final details of both the terms of the Planning Obligation and the conditions of planning permission;

(3)  agree that the Committee is satisfied that Regulation 122(2) Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 is complied with, in that the planning obligations sought are (a) necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms, (b) directly related to the development and (c) fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.



Consultation on Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) pdf icon PDF 420 KB

Report of the Director of Planning and Transport

Additional documents:


Matthew Grant, Local Plans Manager, delivered a presentation to the Committee regarding 2 new Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) on Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) and Reduction of Carbon in New Development which are currently under consultation. In the discussion which followed, the following points were made:


(a)  the SPD on reduction of carbon has been written as a result of the Council Plan priority for Nottingham to be the first carbon neutral city in the UK by 2028. It has been jointly commissioned with Broxtowe Borough Council. Every Council can set its own target for carbon reduction;

(b)  stringent targets for carbon reduction cannot be set by the SPD as it must align to the Local Plan, proving additional guidance and advice on existing Local Plan policies, and encouraging developers to consider and include carbon reduction when submitting planning applications;

(c)  in PBSA, developers could be encouraged to include a wider range of accommodation options such as accommodation for returning students, family groups or mature students;

(d)  it is expected that within 2 years a greater proportion of students will live in PBSA. Roughly 200 homes are now being returned to the market each year as students move into purpose-built blocks;

(e)  detailed evidence shows that there is a higher demand for cluster flats over studios and hence why the SPD is promoting an 80/20 split for future schemes.


Resolved to note the draft SPDs and make comments as it feels appropriate, within the consultation period.