Venue: Remote - To be held remotely via Zoom - View directions
Contact: Mark Leavesley
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair Minutes: Resolved to appoint Kerrie Fox as Chair for the academic year 2024-25. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair Minutes: Resolved to appoint Dave Tungate as Vice-Chair for the academic year 2024-25. |
Chair Minutes: In the absence of Kerrie Fox (the Chair), the meeting was chaired by Dave Tungate. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Kerrie Fox - unwell |
Declarations of interest Minutes: None. |
Last meeting held on 16 July (for confirmation) Minutes: The Forum agreed the minutes of the last meeting held on 16 July 2024 as a correct record and they were signed by the Chair presiding at the meeting. |
Membership To note:
(a) the removal as Forum representatives of Laura Patel (Nottingham Nursery) and Emma Howard (Secondary Academy) as they are no longer at the respective establishments;
(b) that there are currently three vacancies on the Forum for a representative of each of Nottingham Nursery, a maintained primary and a secondary academy. Minutes: Forum noted the following:
(a) the removal as Forum representatives of Laura Patel (Nottingham Nursery) and Emma Howard (Secondary Academy) as they are no longer at the respective establishments;
(b) that there are currently three vacancies on the Forum for a representative of each of Nottingham Nursery, a maintained primary and a secondary academy.
The Clerk requested members to forward details of any potential representatives to, or ask them to contact him direct at, |
To review the Forum’s Constitution Minutes: Members noted, without discussion or amendment, the ‘Schools Forum Constitution and Rules of Conduct’. |
Schools Forum Working Group Report of Corporate Director for Children and Education Services Minutes: Nick Lee, Director of Education Services, presented the report and stated the following:
a) the proposal was to re-introduce the Schools Forum Working Group (SFWG), that has historically looked at budget activity, on a more formal basis to undertake the financial reviews required to support the development of school budgets, and development of future funding models and initiatives e.g. replacement of AP model;
b) the report sets out Terms of Reference (ToR), proposed membership and a proposed work programme that considers the current challenges faced by schools and settings within the city;
c) the SFWG will have no formal decision-making powers and is set up as a consultative group of Forum, with findings / recommendations being submitted to / agreed at full Forum.
(1) to approve the Schools Forum Working Group Terms of Reference (as detailed in appendix A) and membership (as detailed in section 2.2 of the report);
(2) to note the proposed work plan (as detailed in appendix B);
(3) to request that members contact Jennifer Hardy ( direct to volunteer for the Working Group. |
Dedicated Schools Grant 2025/26 Verbal update by Strategic Finance Business Partner (briefing note attached) Minutes: Sadrul Alam, Strategic Finance Business Partner, informed members that under normal circumstances, Local Authorities receive a National Funding Formula update in July of each year, ahead of the indicative funding allocations in December.
This enables consultation with schools around the Central School Services Block and De-delegation items, and consideration of local implications in applying the National Funding Formula Factors.
Unfortunately, this process has been delayed due to the calling of the General Election and, at this point in time, the City Council have not yet received any indication as to what the potential amendments could be.
As and when it is received, consultation will commence, but it may be within a shortened timescale to be able to produce papers for the December Schools Forum meeting, which informs the completion of the Authority Proforma Tool (which has a submission date of 17 January 2025).
Resolved to note the update. |
To note / discuss as necessary Minutes: Members noted, without discussion or amendment, the work plan. |
Dates of 2024/25 meetings For the academic year 2024/25:
(a) to note the previously agreed meeting dates of 1.45pm on Tuesdays 29 April and 24 June 2025;
(b) to consider changing the December 2024 date from 3rd to 10th and the January 2025 date from 21st to 14th. Minutes: For the academic year 2024-25, members:
(a) noted the previously agreed meeting dates of remotely at 1.45pm on Tuesdays 29 April and 24 June 2025;
(b) agreed to change the December 2024 date from 3rd to 10th and the January 2025 date from 21st to 14th, noting that remotely at 1.45pm remains for both meetings. |