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Contact: Phil Wye, Constitutional Services, Tel: 0115 8764637 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Bev Angell (The Nottingham Nursery) Carol Barker (Special Schools) Richard Matthews (Maintained Primary Schools) |
CHANGE OF MEETING DATE To approve rescheduling the Schools Forum on 23 July 2015 to 18 June 2015 Minutes: RESOLVED to reschedule the Schools Forum meeting on 23 July 2015 to 18 June 2015 |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR Minutes: RESOLVED to appoint Sian Hampton as Vice-Chair |
CHANGE TO MEMBERSHIP To note that Paul Halcro has been appointed as secondary academy representative Minutes: Paul Halcro was welcomed to the Schools Forum as a new secondary academy representative |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 217 KB Last meeting held on 18 December 2014 (for confirmation) Minutes: The Forum confirmed the minutes of the meeting
held on 18 December 2014 as a correct record and they were signed
by the Chair. In relation to minute 21(4), Ceri Walters, Finance Business Partner, Children and Adults, reported that a link has now been provided in Scene with further details of the Health and Safety benefits for schools. |
Minutes: The work programme for the April meeting of the Forum was noted with the addition of the following reports:
Reserves Update from Ceri Walters,
Finance Business Partner, Children and Adults, and (b) Building Resilience and Character: A Programme of Education in Nottingham from Martin Smith, Sport, Outdoor Learning and Adventure Services Manager. |
UPDATE ON THE PUPIL GROWTH CONTINGENCY FUND PDF 95 KB Verbal Update by Jennifer Hardy, Project Manager, School Organisation Minutes: Jennifer Hardy, Project Manager, School Organisation gave a verbal update on the Pupil Growth Contingency Fund, highlighting the following points:
the remaining fund currently stands at £187,933; (b)
the spend for two schools has changed since October: · the figure for Bluecoat Primary has reduced as the original amount included classroom set up costs which are no longer needed; ·
the figure for Rufford Primary has
increased as the previous amount was an estimate which has been
revised based on information provided by the school; (c) 33 children are now on roll at Bluecoat Primary which opened in January.
BUILDING RESILIENCE AND CHARACTER: A PROGRAMME OF EDUCATION IN NOTTINGHAM Presentation by Martin Smith, Sport, Outdoor Learning and Adventure Services Manager Minutes: Martin Smith, Sport, Outdoor Learning and Adventure Services Manager, gave a presentation on Building Resilience and Character: A Programme of Education in Nottingham, and highlighted the following points:
a series of interventions are taking
place nationally around character and resilience building in
children. Nottingham is in an ideal position to take advantage of
this; (b)
it is now recognised that too much focus
is on academic qualifications and not enough is on resilience and
character building. Development of the ‘whole child’ is
therefore seen as a priority; (c)
there has also been research
internationally into these problems, for example in the USA and in
Singapore. There is now evidence to show that a child with positive
character traits will better develop their creativity and problem
solving skills. As an example it has been demonstrated that boys
who take part in outdoor activities improve their writing
skills; (d)
evidence from research can be used for
social mobility of disadvantaged children, and to see if government
schemes such as the Pupil Premium are being used effectively to
give these children equal opportunities. This will help to put them
on an equivalent footing for future employment and training
prospects; (e)
character and personal development ought
to be a part of everyday school life and integrated into the
curriculum. Lessons can be learnt from health services where
similar evidence-based approaches have been used to improve
outcomes; (f)
the related programme in Nottingham is
being called ‘Opportunity Notts’, which has 125 things that you must do
in Nottingham before you leave school over 5 different levels. This
will help all pupils to make a positive contribution to their
community; (g)
a website will go live for
‘Opportunity Notts’ which
will engage with young people and encourage them to complete the
challenges. Schools and Youth Groups will also be able to use this
as a tool for accessing the activities. The website is currently in
development; (h)
four separate DfE character bids have already been made from
various agencies across Nottingham. This programme will help to
bring these together and build on existing partnership
work; (i) a bid will be brought to the next Schools Forum for funding of £1m over 3 years.
The following comments were made in the discussion that followed the presentation:
schools can use Opportunity Notts to engage with the offer in the city, however
it is not just aimed at schools. Children can also involve
themselves or with their families. Children will choose their own
mentors, which can be any adult, be it a teacher, a parent or
somebody else; (k)
the scheme has not been launched to schools yet but this will be
soon so that their engagement can be gauged and
monitored; (l)
the bid would be welcomed by schools but
it needs to be clear, well thought out and sustainable. It will
need to visibly show what will required from schools and teachers
as their time can be limited; (m)opportunities for young people ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
SCHOOLS FORUM SUB-GROUP WORK PLAN AND TERMS OF REFERENCE PDF 202 KB Report of Finance Business Partner, Children and Adults Minutes: Ceri Walters, Finance Business Partner, Children and Adults, presented her report detailing the Terms of Reference and work plan for the Schools Forum Sub-Group (SFSG), as agreed in the last meeting on 18 December 2014. She highlighted the following points:
the SFSG has no formal powers and is purely a consultative body for
the Schools Forum; (b) the SFSG will discuss priorities for school improvement as a part of its remit.
to approve the SFSG Terms of Reference; (2)
for Ceri Walters to find out if the Trade Union
representative will be able to attend the SFSG meetings; (3)
to approve
the membership of the SFSG for the financial year 2015/16, subject
to determining if the Trade Union representative will be able to
SCHOOLS BUDGET 2015/16 PDF 176 KB Report of Finance Business Partner, Children and Adults Additional documents:
Minutes: Ceri Walters, Finance Business Partner, Children and Adults, presented her report outlining the Schools Budget for 2015/16, highlighting the following points:
(a) the following Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) allocations have already been approved by the Schools Forum:
· Behaviour Support (approved for maintained primary schools only); · Ethnic Minority Achievement; · Trade Union Senior Representative Cover Time; · Sports Safe Gym Maintenance Services; · Copyright Licensing Agreement/Music Publishing Association Licenses; · Building Maintanance Services; · Schools and Early Years central budgets;
(b) the DSG figure does not include:
· Pupil Premium; · year 7 Catch up Premium Grant; · Pupil Premium Summer Schools Funding; · funding for 2 year olds;
there has been an increase in funding of
£13.864m in 2015/16 compared to 2014/15. This is due
to: · transfer of responsibility to the Local Authority for non-recoupment academies and free schools budgets; · Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) energy scheme rate increase; · increased pupil numbers; · indicative early years pupil premium; · increase in high needs;
(d) the number of parents submitting forms to confirm their eligibility for free school meals has reduced amongst Key Stage 1 pupils as they are now automatically entitled to free school meals. This has not had much impact on Pupil Premium funding yet but is likely to in future years. More research needs to be done to assess the future impact of this and ways to avoid it, possibly by researching how other authorities deal with it. The Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) also guarantees that schools will lose no less than 1.5% of their funding per year.
The following comments were made during the discussion:
although a funding allocation was agreed for building maintenance
services, more information will be expected about this in future so
that the Forum can make a balanced decision as to whether it
represents value for money; (f) clarity would be helpful to see how funding is affected by a school or nursery’s Ofsted performance.
(1) note the value of the 2015/16 DSG schools budget is £235.459m;
note that any unallocated DSG funds will be transferred
to the Statutory Schools Reserve (SSR); (3)
note the allocation of Pupil Premium, Summer Schools
Funding and Year 7 Catch up Premium will be confirmed in Summer
2015 and will be allocated to schools in accordance with the grant
conditions; (4)
approve the
use of reserves to support split site catering costs in 2014/15
currently totalling £0.083m. |