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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: David Blackley (sent representative) David Holdsworth (sent representative) Gary Holmes Dave Hooker Tracy Rees Sheena Wheatley (sent representative) |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 225 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2017, for confirmation Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2017 were agreed and signed by the Chair. |
Minutes: The work programme was noted. |
Pupil Growth Contingency Fund update PDF 202 KB Update by Lucy Juby, School Organisation Minutes: Lucy Juby, Project Manager, School organisation, updated the Forum on the Pupil Growth Contingency Fund (PGCF), highlighting the following:
the additional academy funding for South Wilford Endowed CE Primary
School has been moved to next year’s budget; (b)
Djanogly Northgate Academy has taken an additional Key Stage 2
class to help with pressure in these year groups; (c)
the remaining balance of the 17/18 fund is
£368,413; (d) Trinity School is admitting an extra class from September 2017. The Local Authority have provisionally allocated funds from the 17/18 PGCF for Trinity’s growth in numbers, based on the existing criteria and will review this once the criteria for secondary schools has been determined.
RESOLVED to note the information. |
Consultation on the funding requirements for secondary schools for pupil growth PDF 233 KB Briefing note Minutes: Lucy Juby, Project Manager, School Organisation, informed the Forum of the requirement to review and update the Pupil Growth Contingency criteria to include provision for the funding of secondary school pupil growth. Lucy highlighted the following:
it is projected that there is a need for the city to provide at
least 15 additional forms of entry to meet peak demand by
2022; (b)
interim measures are being proposed for the 2017/18 and 2018/19
school years, with Trinity School taking extra pupils from
September 2017 and a proposal for NUAST to expand its provision,
changing its age range to 11-18 from September 2018; (c)
the percentage of city children who attend schools outside the city
boundary is reducing and is projected to reduce further, which will
only increase the pressure on places in the city; (d)
the increase in places will be required city-wide, though need in
individual areas will be taken into account; (e)
despite the projected shortfall of secondary places, the Local
Authority has been allocated very little capital funding to deliver
expansions. Therefore other options must be explored to deliver the
required additional capacity; (f) the Local Authority is consulting Schools Forum and Head Teachers on the criteria for the Pupil Growth Contingency fund for secondary schools, which is likely to be similar to that used for primary schools, with lag funding for staffing, utlilties and classroom set up costs over a number of years. Recommendations will be presented in a full report in November.
RESOLVED to note the information in the briefing note, and for Lucy Juby to email the current criteria round to head teachers for comment. |
SEND Strategic Review 2017-2022 PDF 134 KB Report of the Joint Directors of Education and the Corporate Director for Children and Adults Minutes: Alison Weaver, Inclusive Education Service, introduced the report updating the Forum on the strategic review of high needs provision which will be conducted during the financial year 2017-18, highlighting the following:
the review will bring together all the different strands of
activity, engaging with partners and schools to make sure that
provision is sufficient; (b) the review will take place from April 2018 and will cover SEND provision for 0/25 year olds. £140,000 is the amount provided to cover the costs of the review.
note the proposal to develop a SEND Strategy 0-25, in
line with DfE guidance for
funding; (2)
note that funding will be allocated to increase
capacity to ensure high quality and collaborative implementation of
the review, facilitate consultation with all partners, children and
families, and for collation and analysis of relevant
data; (3) note that the consultation and review process will ensure robust links to the high needs funding reforms, current activity to implement the SEND reforms, whole life disability review and capital programmes activity. |
School Exclusion - Multi Agency Early Intervention Proposal PDF 209 KB Report of the Joint Directors of Education Minutes: Nick Lee, Head of Access & Learning, introduced the report outlining a proposal for a multi-agency group to form and develop proposals for an early intervention pathway with the aim of identifying, at an early stage, children at risk of future exclusion. Nick highlighted the following:
the number of permanent exclusions in
Nottingham City continues to rise. Issues with capacity and poor
outcomes mean that the current system is financially
unsustainable; (b)
the multi-agency group will review early intervention strategies,
with an aim to improve these and see which services have the most
impact; (c)
the group will work across all key-stages, and look at transition
from primary to secondary school as this is recognised as a
significant area; (d) schools will be involved with the group allowing them to give their views on services, as well as PRUs and the police service.
Members supported the proposal, and restated that schools must be able to give their views and the group must be representative. Measuring impact will be key as budgets for these services reduce.
RESOLVED to note and support the proposal to develop a multi-agency working group which will produce a fully costed plan for ensuring that an early intervention behaviour pathway is implemented to reduce the number of fixed term and permanent exclusions and reverse the current upward trend. The pathway will cover all key stages in order to ensure a sustainable approach to managing behaviours and/or special educational needs that are currently resulting in exclusion from mainstream schools and academies. |
Schools Forum Sub Group - Terms of Reference & Future Work Programme PDF 319 KB Report of the Head of Commercial Finance Minutes: Julia Holmes, Senior Commercial Business Partner, introduced the report asking the Forum to establish the Terms of Reference for a Schools Forum Sub Group (SFSG), to formalise the requirements and membership of this group and a timetable of budget activity for consideration by the Sub Group.
Managers of services will be invited to the meeting in September to explain how funding from Schools Forum’s Central Expenditure funds educational outcomes, and how this can be demonstrated. Members were resolute that this information must be clearly presented to allow them to make informed decisions, and that this has not been clear in the past.
approve the SFSG’s Terms of Reference as set out
in Appendix A of the report; (2)
approve the membership of the SFSG for financial year
2017/18 as detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report; (3)
establish at least one further member of Schools Forum
from both the primary and secondary sectors for the SFSG; (4) note the work programme for 2017/18 in Appendix B of the report, which has required 2 SFSG meetings in accordance with other activities to ensure a robust budget setting process. |
2016/17 Dedicated Schools Grant - Outturn Report PDF 203 KB Report of the Corporate Director for Children and Adults and the Chief Finance Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Julia Holmes, Senior Commercial Business Partner, introduced the report setting out the 2016/17 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) outturn and the updated reserve balance. The following points were raised during discussion:
consultation on future funding arrangements from the government are
ongoing and the impact of this needs to be considered; (b) the reserve can be spent on anything that will improve educational outcomes, in consultation with the Local Authority.
(1) note that the 2016/17 financial outturn position of the DSG was an underspend of £1.464m and the reasons for the material underspend are set out below:
(2) note that this underspend has been allocated back to the Statutory Schools Reserve (SSR) resulting in a closing balance of £11.516m for 2016/17, as set out below:
(3) note that the uncommitted balance on the SSR balance is £5.721m. |