Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions
Contact: Phil Wye, Governance Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 27 September2023 and 29 November 2023, for confirmation Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee confirmed the minutes of the meetings held on 27 September 2023 and 29 November 2023 as a correct record and they were signed by the Chair. |
The Better Care Fund Root and Branch Review Next Steps PDF 347 KB Joint report of the Interim Director Commissioning & Partnerships, Nottingham City Council, and the Programme Director for System Development, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board
Additional documents:
Minutes: Naomi Robinson, Deputy Head of Joint Commissioning, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board, presented the report which discusses the next steps following the outcomes of the Better Care Fund (BCF) root and branch review.
A small working group has met to discuss how to take a joint deep dive into identified service areas. The group agreed the collaborative deep dive needed to align with existing work to join up care and support around the individual in the Community Transformation and Discharge to Assess programmes. This includes understanding current contracts and service specifications.
The group highlighted that further consideration is required on appropriate governance to support collaborative planning to across Place Based Partnership, Provider (including VCSE) and the existing community transformation programme. This includes the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board Commissioning Sub-Committee.
The following points were discussed by the Sub-Committee:
most of the BCF is committed appropriately, but there is an
opportunity to see whether work can be re-commissioned in a
different way. Currently, a lot of the work is not
performance-managed and there is a lack of visibility; (b)
core statutory duties such as emergency care must be protected and
gaps in funding avoided. However, there is an opportunity for more
joined-up, integrated work, and
avoidance of patients moving around between services; (c)
it may be useful to compare the amount of funding that goes into
short term emergency work with the amount that goes into longer
term prevention work, and making sure that areas are funded fairly,
and using intelligence to see whether funding could be used
differently. Deep dives could be done into certain areas as there
may not be the capacity to look into everything; (d) the Sub-Committee is a useful forum away from the Health and Wellbeing Board where commissioners can ask searching questions on commissioning that supports the main Board in achieving its priorities. However, it deals with fewer direct joint commissioning than when it was set up and so its purpose and terms of reference could be revisited.
Resolved to
endorse the approach of the BCF Review Phase 3 being progressed
through the collaborative deep dives focused on community
transformation and discharge to assess with a scoping document to
be developed; (2) consider the role of the Health and Wellbeing Sub-committee in oversight of the review, which will also include a review of the current Terms of Reference |
Future Meeting Dates 27 March 2024 Minutes: The future meeting date was noted. |