Venue: LB 31-32 - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions
Contact: Jane Garrard Senior Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillor Jay Hayes – other Council business Councillor Maria Joannou – personal reasons Councillor Chantal Lee – personal reasons |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: None. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 27 May 2021 Minutes: The Committee confirmed the minutes of the meeting held on 27 May 2021 as a correct record and they were signed by the Chair. |
Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse PDF 110 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Catherine Underwood, Corporate Director for People, introduced the report providing an update on progress in fulfilling the recommendations from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and implementation of the associated action plan. Information was also provided by the Interim Director of Children’s Integrated Services. They highlighted the following:
the IICSA had two formal recommendations for the City Council,
which were to assess the potential risk posted by current and
former foster carers directly provided by the council in relation
to the sexual abuse of children, and to commission an independent,
external evaluation of their practice concerning harmful sexual
behaviour, including responses, prevention, assessment,
intervention and workforce development; (b)
a detailed assessment was made of the risks posed by foster carers
by the Head of Service for Children in Care. Any notifications of
concern are now submitted to a monthly performance meeting which is
also overseen quarterly by the Children’s Safeguarding
Partnership. External assurance of processes was also commissioned
and concluded that there was no evidence that foster carers posed a
risk. Some weaknesses in record keeping were identified and these
processes have been improved; (c)
all agencies with whom NCC has placed a child were written to and a
seminar held to provide further details of the responsibilities
.Agencies have all confirmed that they have undertaken a review of
information regarding current and previous foster carers to assess
risks; (d) NSPCC were commissioned to undertake an external evaluation of practice in relation to Harmful Sexual Behaviour, and multi-agency meetings were held with staff across the partnership. NSPCC recognised that there were well-established processes and systems in place in Nottingham alongside opportunities for further strengthening. An action plan was developed to disseminate learning and recommendations.
In response to questions from the Committee and in the subsequent discussion the following points were made:
a consequence of NCC’s engagement with survivors has been the
shared commitment to commissioning a new model of survivor support
services in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, strongly founded on the
feedback from survivors. The Council has taken on board been how
difficult the process can be for survivors to approach them for
records and claims. A specific post has been created for survivors
to approach for more direct conversations, and written
communication has been made less legalistic; (f) the post of Sexual Violence and Engagement Manager finishes after 2021/22 as it was specific to the IICSA process, but the responsibilities of this post will be absorbed into wider services.
The Committee thanked the Corporate Director
and Director for the information provided. The Committee concluded
that, based on the information provided at this and previous
meetings, it was satisfied that the Council has learnt lessons from
the IICSA Inquiry and built that learning, and outstanding issues
from the Action Plan into core practice and the Service’s
wider Improvement Plan; and given the management and oversight
arrangements in place there is no need for further specific
scrutiny by the Committee at this time. Resolved to
(1) recognise and ... view the full minutes text for item 47. |
Scrutiny of Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People PDF 123 KB Minutes: Councillor Cheryl Barnard, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, delivered a presentation highlighting the following:
the total budget for Children’s
Integrated Services in 2021/22 is £72.659m. The largest
variable within this budget is the number of Children in Care.
During and following the lockdown there has been a large increase
in this number and more children with complex needs. The budget for
Children in Care placements is £40.378m; (b)
savings have been identified within the budget over the next 3
years in various areas including a reduced children’s centre
offer, removal of unfilled vacancies and a reduction in the
activity budget; (c)
based on 2020/21 outturn and the current forecast there will be no
change to the Children in Care’s pressures in the Medium Term
Financial Plan until more information is available on which to base
future trends/demands linked with the outcome of OFSTED and SEND
reviews; (d)
whilst it is always a last resort to
take a child into care, this can be necessary with increases in
self-harming behaviours, eating disorders and neglect. Other Local
Authorities have also reported increases in the number of Children
in Care; (e)
delays in the court system are leading to increased numbers of
Children in Care and, in addition to the impact on the child and
their family, this results in additional cost and budgetary
pressure; (f)
the Children at the Heart Improvement Programme is embedding consistently good strength-based
social work practice to support families to make sustainable
changes and work is ongoing at the edge of care to provide
practical, intensive and therapeutic support keep children with
their families; (g)
costs are being managed through regional commissioning
arrangements, extension of the residential block contract,
semi-independence block contract, supported lodgings scheme with
Barnado’s, and expansion of internal residential provision is
progressing; (h)
the Council is engaging with the Competition and Markets Authority
on the high cost and poor availability of external placements and
continues to work with the Local Family Justice Board to escalate
concerns about delays for children; (i)
the Covid-19 Pandemic has had an impact
on children and families leading to an increase in domestic
violence and mental health referrals. Staff have also been impacted
with self-isolation and low morale. The costs of the pandemic have
also not been fully reimbursed by the government; (j) an external review of service transformation relating to children’s services is currently being scoped. This will contribute to the Council’s wider recovery and improvement activity and feed into future service and budget planning.
In response to questions from the Committee
and in the subsequent discussion the following points were
made: (k) the Service works closely with education settings and other agencies to identify children who may be at risk of coming into care, and they receive training to help with this. Last year the Neglect Strategy was put in place to help identify signs that children might be starting to be neglected and support them families with mental health services and practical support with ... view the full minutes text for item 48. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved to note the work that is currently planned for the municipal year 2021/22. |