Venue: Remote hearing - via Zoom. View directions
Contact: Mark Leavesley
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair To be a City Council member Minutes: Resolved to appoint Councillor Linda Woodings as Chair of the Committee for the 2020/21 municipal year. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair To be a County Council member Minutes: Resolved to appoint Councillor Gordon Wheeler as Vice-Chair of the Committee for the 2020/21 municipal year.
In Councillor Wooding’s absence, Councillor Wheeler chaired the meeting. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillor Linda Woodings - leave |
Declarations of interests Minutes: None. |
Last meeting held on 6 March 2020 (for confirmation) Minutes: Subject to amendments to the wording of minutes 5 and 6, the Committee confirmed the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2020 as a correct record. |
Report of Joint Officer Steering Group Additional documents: Minutes: James Ashton, Transport Strategy Manager, Nottingham City Council, presented the report providing an update on the transport related issues across the greater Nottingham conurbation, highlighting the following:
in February this year the City Council began to trial a new system
for collecting data related to the operation of the transport
network. The data from the trial has been used to understand the
impact of the Covid 19 crisis on transport in Nottingham. General
traffic levels (cars and motorcycles) are now at around 80-85% of
normal levels, but passenger numbers remain low at around a third
of normal levels on buses and the tram is operating with around
23-25% of normal passenger numbers. Cycling levels have increased,
particularly at weekends where numbers were up to 200% higher than
normal; (b)
the City Council received £570,000 and the County Council
received £263,250 through tranche one of the Emergency Active
Travel Fund to spend on schemes to improve routes for cyclists and
pedestrians; (c)
initial conversations are taking place between officers at the City
and County Councils regarding the potential to submit a bid to
Midland Connect to enable the preparation of a scheme around the
A6002 / A610 junction close to Junction 26 of the M1. Details of
the scheme are yet to be finalised however the scheme would be
aimed at reducing congestion both through the junction and also on
the approach arms to the junction; (d) all NCT buses have now been retrofitted to meet the highest emissions standards. Trent Barton and CT4N are also retrofitting their buses but this has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic and will be complete by January 2021.
Committee members commented on the lack of information on rail services in the report. Rail colleagues have been invited to the next meeting.
They also commented on the inconvenience of the ongoing closure of Clifton Bridge and suggested lobbying local MPs to raise this.
Resolved to note the contents of the report. |
Planning for the Future white paper PDF 130 KB Report of Joint Officer Steering Group Minutes: Peter McAnespie, Partnerships and Local Plans Manager, presented the report and gave a presentation on the White Paper, which contains far-reaching proposed changes to the planning system, which will impact on the work of this Committee. Consultation runs for 12 weeks and closes on 31st October. Peter highlighted the following:
the government considers the current planning system to be
outdated, slow and bureaucratic and proposes changes to plan
making, decision making and developer contributions; (b)
the Local Plan will be simplified and will focus on identifying
‘growth areas’, renewal areas’ and
‘protected areas’. They will be subject to a simplified
‘sustainable development test’ replacing the existing
‘tests of soundness’; (c)
the five year housing supply requirement may be scrapped, but
enough land should still be planned for and the presumption in
favour of sustainable development will be maintained; (d)
Sustainability Appraisals are to be replaced with a simplified
process for assessing the environmental impact of plans; (e)
a new developer contributions system is to be introduced with a
nationally set, flat-rate charge based on the final value of the
development; (f) community consultation at the planning application stage is to be streamlined with more emphasis on engagement at the plan-making stage. Determination of planning applications is to be faster and more certain with firm deadlines and penalties for councils that fail to determine applications within the statutory time limit.
Resolved to
(1) consider the content of the White Paper in so far as it relates to the work of the Committee;
(2) note the intention of both councils to respond to the consultations, and for a joint response to be prepared and submitted by the Greater Nottingham Joint Planning Advisory Board. |
Greater Nottingham Joint Planning Advisory Board PDF 111 KB Report of Joint Officer Steering Group Additional documents: Minutes: Peter McAnespie, Partnerships and Local Plans Manager, presented the minutes of the Greater Nottingham Joint Planning Advisory Board to the Committee. Two presentations were given, one on the Toton Supplementary Planning Document and one on a Growth Options Study for Greater Nottingham.
Resolved to note the contents of the minutes and presentations. |
Nottinghamshire Minerals and Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plans PDF 205 KB Report of Joint Officer Steering Group Minutes: Sally Gill, Group Manager Planning, Nottinghamshire County Council, presented the report, informing the Committee of progress with preparation of the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan and the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan, highlighting the following:
(a) the Draft Minerals Local Plan was submitted for examination in February 2020. Planned hearing sessions in April were postponed due to the Covid-19 Outbreak, and have now been confirmed for the week of Monday 26th October. Local community representatives who have made comments on the plan, including on proposed sites, have been invited to the sessions;
(b) consultation on the Waste Local Plan was extended due to the Covid-19 Outbreak, and around 270 representations were received. Nine sites were put forward for potential waste development facilities and these will now be considered.
Resolved to note the contents of the report. |
Report of Joint Officer Steering Group Minutes: Resolved to
(1) note the Joint Committee’s work programme and give consideration to any future items;
(2) identify any work areas where partnership working between the two authorities would be mutually beneficial. |
Date of future meetings To agree to meet at 10.30am on the following Fridays (either at Loxley House or via Zoom video conferencing, dependent upon the pandemic situation at the time):
11 December 2020 05 March 2021 Minutes: Resolved to agree to meet at 10.30am on the following Fridays (either at Loxley House or via Zoom video conferencing, dependent upon the pandemic situation at the time): 11 December 2020 05 March 2021 |