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Trusts and Charities Committee

This page lists the meetings for Trusts and Charities Committee.

Click on the meeting dates listed below to find out more. If you want to look at meetings from previous years, select the relevant year from the drop down menu in the box below and click on Go

Information about Trusts and Charities Committee

The City Council is the sole trustee for several trusts.  The three main ones are the Bridge Estate, which provides for the maintenance and repair of Trent Bridge and approaches; the Harvey Hadden Stadium Trust, providing public sports and recreation for Nottingham citizens; and the Highfields Leisure Park Trust, providing public recreation and pleasure grounds.  The Trusts and Charities Committee is responsible for carrying out the Council’s administrative powers and duties in relation to these trusts.  The Committee also oversees several other small charities.  The Committee is made up of 9 councillors appointed to reflect the political balance of the Council.