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Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Panel

This page lists the meetings for Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Panel.

Click on the meeting dates listed below to find out more. If you want to look at meetings from previous years, select the relevant year from the drop down menu in the box below and click on Go

Information about Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Panel

The Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Panel is a joint committee of the City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and the borough and district councils in Nottinghamshire.  It exists to scrutinise the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner and hold him/ her to account for his/ her decisions; contribute to development of the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan; review the Commissioner’s proposed precept; and hold public confirmation hearings for the Commissioner’s appointment of Chief Constable, Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.


The Panel is made up of 2 City councillors, one councillor from each of the other local authorities and 2 independent members.


Details about meetings and meeting papers can be found on the County Council’s website here.


Meetings are open to the public.