Report of Joint Officer Steering Group
(a) Local Authority Infrastructure Schemes
Chris Carter, Transport Strategy Manager, reported on a programme of activities to support proposals produced by the D2N2 LEP in its Strategic Economic Plan to use infrastructure schemes funded by Local Growth Fund monies to raise growth rates, increased prosperity and levels of employment in its area, achieve its vision for the area to create 55,000 additional jobs by 2023. An initial programme of schemes was considered by the D2N2 Local Transport Board on March 2014. The deadline for final submission of the Strategic Economic Plan is 31 March 2014.
(b) Local Sustainable Transport Fund
(i) 2011 – 15
An evaluation indicated a successful pilot trial year offering half price travel in the city for approximately 5000 jobseekers and the long-term unemployed. A smart card retail network of ticket vending machines (100) and Payzone outlets at shops (175) is expected to be completed during 2014.
Grants to GNTP - RideWise Ltd and Sustrans have provided a further four Neighbourhood Smarter Travel Coordinators (NSTCs) for City Central and South localities and in Broxtowe and Gedling.
Implementation of 20 mph speed limits to improve safety and create walking/cycling environments in the city are continuing. An NSCF financial award means that a joint City/County initiative to introduce 20 mph speed limits outside schools in the County will also begin during 2014/15.
The greater Nottingham transport partnership and Gedling ECO Stars continue either to support local businesses with sustainable travel guidance or advice on fleet management practices and eco-driving skills. City Car Club will develop a local car club to be launched from city-centre, on-street locations, from April 2014, with further expansion of locations planned over the next three years.
Ucycle Nottingham, a partnership project between the University of Nottingham, Nottingham University Hospital Trust, New College Nottingham, Central (South Notts) College and Bilborough College is continuing to deliver increased something levels. Planning for other active travel events including Cycle Live on 21/22 June 2014 is already underway.
(ii) 2015 - 16 Funding Update
It is understood that the current total of Department for Transport (DfT) funds available for new or extended Fund projects in 2015/16 is approximately £78.5 million, of which, approximately £64 million is likely to be made available for the LSTF Programme. Following preliminary discussions with partners through the LST have steering group, a continuation partnership bid is being prepared for the Nottingham urban area on the following basis:
Over-arching theme: access to employment, skills and learning, primarily targeted at young people to support local economic development and skills in the urban area to complement the City's £3 million Youth Contract Programme.
Continuation of delivery on existing LST have projects focusing on two areas:
(a) Core offer of travel support packages for low-income groups, including jobseeker and further education SmartCard offers delivered through a community-based approach to the promotion of travel options to individuals and households through the Community Smarter Travel Hubs e.g. personalised journey planning and cycling support; and
(b) continuation of the Worksmart Business Travel Support Package for employers, to support sustainable commuting and inward investment opportunities.
Coverage: Nottingham urban area as in the current LSTF programme.
Scale of bid: up to £1.5 million revenue funding for a joint bid comprising £1 million for the City area and additional funding for the wider urban area to be negotiated with Nottinghamshire County Council and excluding the local funding contributions.
Links: to secured and proposed major capital investment such as NET Phase 2, Local Transport Plan Investment and other non-transport programmes such as the Enterprise Zone.
Submission deadline: 31 March 2014.
RESOLVED to note the updated position.
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