Agenda item


Presentation by Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council


Chris Henning, Director for Economic Development at Nottingham City Council, delivered the presentation, informing the Committee on the Committee’s proposed Strategic Economic Development Plan (SEP) submission to the D2N2 LEP, highlighting the following:


(a)  there are three main elements underpinning the SEP submission, business innovation, employment and skills and housing regeneration. The D2N2 LEP will consider the final draft SEP at its meeting on 25 March 2014 and submit shortly after to Government by 31 March 2014;


(b)  D2N2’s SEP submission will focus on the following 8 priority sectors: transport equipment manufacturing, life sciences, construction, food and drink manufacturing, visitor economy, low carbon goods and services, transport and logistics and creative industries. The number of priority sectors is reasonably manageable in comparison to other LEPs who have included up to 80 priority sectors;


(c)  the submission by the D2N2 LEP will compete with other LEP submissions and the quality of the projects will influence the final scale of the Growth Deal. The Growth Deal will ultimately be agreed between the Government and the LEP in the summer. Further European Union funding is expected in 2014/15;


(d)  in achieving the LEPs ambitions, the right infrastructure and conditions to support business and employment growth will need to be put in place, including cutting edge R and D which will support product and process innovation. Ultimately, D2N2 will contribute to re-balancing the UK economy via its strategic plan;


Following a discussion, the additional information was provided by the Committee:


(e)  there is a recognition of the strength of cross-border developments within the SEP such at Beeston Park and the Rolls Royce project. There is a feeling that Government has a focus on city-developments and this is reflected in the Committee’s submission, as well as D2’s submission;


(f)  the wording of the A57 development could be slightly altered to amplify the importance regeneration would provide in the context, in particular with reference to the link the A57 provides to the A1 and M1. There is further scope to link this development to Robin Hood Airport;


(g)  once the SEP has been submitted to Government, a period of further discussions and negotiations is likely. There is a feeling that should a scheme intended for development in 2015/16 not materialise it would not automatically be considered as a top priority for 2016/17 and ‘top slice’ the funding available for that year;


(h)  following the election in May 2015, it is likely that LEPs all around the country will have to resubmit their Strategic Economic Plans. D2N2 LEP will seek to engage the Committee in the future in establishing what schemes to deliver in the future despite no firm delegation to the Committee being established at by the LEP Board;


(i)  negotiations with Government would be necessary in the scenario where the LEP receives half of the funding included within the submission. Another look at the list of priorities would be inevitable to re-prioritise on the deliverability of schemes;


(j)  at the next meeting in May, there would be an opportunity for the LEP to give some feedback to the Committee from the Government and potentially invite a member of the Growth Deal Team for further clarity. Following submission of the bid it would be beneficial for Committee members to engage their local MPs to encourage support for the bid.


The Committee discussed the strategic aims of the Committee, highlighting the following:


(k)  a press release supporting the accelerated development of the eastern side of HS2 and a station at Toton, should the scheme get approval, will be circulated in the coming days;


(l)  there is the potential to commission the Employment and Skills Board to present a report to the Committee in the future on how to develop skills and innovation within the constituent local authorities. A future strategy would need to have a focus on graduate retention within the area given that there is significant room for improvement in this regard. Successful schemes on apprenticeships and the development of specific skills would be shared amongst authorities as part of a wider strategy, such as the successful schemes currently in operation at Carlton College;


(m)  should the Committee wish to designate schemes, D2N2 LEP will consider delegating £20,000 to the Committee to support work in line with the Employability Charter. There is also scope to engage with Nottingham Futures around where to target job growth and develop skills. Chief Executives of all constituent authorities will be tasked with formulating a strategic vision for the Committee.




(1)  agree the submission of N2’s priority projects, subject to the slight alteration to the wording of the A57 scheme in order to amplify the importance regeneration provides in context of its link to A1 and M1;


(2)  encourage Committee members to write to their local MP’s encouraging support for the bid;


(3)  authorise Chief Executives of all constituent authorities to work on an overriding Strategy to form the basis for priorities for future LEP funding and report back to the Committee;


(4)  circulate a press release regarding HS2 in support of a station at Toton and the positive opportunities available with the acceleration of the eastern development.