Agenda item

Child and Adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) tier 2 Section 75 agreement - Key Decision

Report of Director of Procurement and Commissioning, Director ofChildren’s Integrated Services


Steve Oakley, Head of Contracting and Procurement presented a report on the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Tier 2 Section 75 Agreement highlighting the following points:


(a)  the Nottingham Tier 2 CAMHS has been managed by Nottingham City Council for a number of years and funding has been from mainstream Nottingham City Council funding  and from Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The service is a fully integrated Tier 2 CAMHS which has performed well over its life;


(b)  good mental and emotional health is necessary to allow children and young people to achieve their best. Nottingham City wants to develop a simplified and responsive pathway to access services for young people to ensure that they are able to fulfil their potential;


(c)  the Future in Mind document sets out the vision for children and young people’s mental health and the priorities include:

·  Promoting resilience, prevention and early intervention

·  Improving access to effective support

·  Development of a flexible integrated system

·  Accountability and transparency

·  Developing the workforce to adopt excellent practice


(d)  Nottingham City Council aims to develop a simplified, responsive and efficient pathway of services and by 2020 aims for:

·  more young people to have good mental health,

·  more young people with mental health problems to recover

·  more young people to have a positive experience of care and support

·  fewer  young people to suffer avoidable harm

·  fewer young people to experience stigma and discrimination




(1)  approve the development of a Section 75 Agreement with Nottingham City CCG for the commissioning of Tier 2 Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services from 1 April 2017 at a cost not exceeding the current expenditure on this service;


(2)  approve the budget to support the Section 75 Agreement and the scope of the service included as set out in exempt appendix 1;


(3)  approve the governance arrangements for the oversight and management of the Section 75 Agreement to be via the Health and Wellbeing Board Commissioning Sub Committee;


(4)  delegate authority to the Director of Commissioning and Procurement in consultation with the Director of Children’s Integrated Services to agree the final value of the Section 75 Agreement for Tier 2 CAMHS as listed in exempt appendix 1, providing that this does not exceed the current expenditure on this service;


(5)  delegate authority to the Head of Contracting and Procurement to sign the Section 75 Agreement, following approval by the Director of Procurement and Commissioning and the Director of Children’s Integrated Services.


Reasons for decision

(1)  The development of a Section 75 Agreement will ensure that the provision for the young people of Nottingham will not only be of good quality, but it will allow them to more easily access both health and social care through one team. The Council does not envisage outsourcing the social care element of the Tier 2 CAMHS and will continue to provide this service. To ensure that an integrated service remains in place the NHS funding will need to continue to fund the Council Service and that can be achieved through this process.


Other options considered


The other option considered was to do nothing. This was rejected as there is a risk that as a direct result of not joining the Tier 2 CAMHS through Section 75 Agreement that Nottingham CCG will withdraw their funding and go out for re-procurement. This would also mean that the Tier 2 services are only performance managed by the CCG and that the Council would have no oversight of the effectiveness of the service in order to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Supporting documents: