Agenda item

Update from the Planning Application Sub-Group


Steve Rhodes and Margaret Knowles presented an update on the Planning Application sub-group, including detail on a large scale planning application, and the revised publication version of the Local Plan Part 2:


(a)  an application has been submitted for further quarrying near the banks of the Trent, opposite the Attenborough Nature Reserve. The application and accompanying documents are extensive, but the focus of the sub-group is on the impact on existing rights of way. One particular bridleway is a cause for concern, as the description talks about a ramp to allow horses over a conveyor belt. It looks more like a tunnel going over the conveyor belt on the plan, which would be inadequate as horses can be easily spooked. The sub-group has asked that more detail is submitted on the construction and if there is a similar construction anywhere else that the sub-group can see;


(b)  one other area of concern is the possible impurity of the water, and how this may affect local ponds (including Holme Pit which is a site of special scientific interest) and other smaller waterways. Both banks of the Trent flooded in this area a few years ago, and the planning application gave no indication of an assessment on exceptional conditions such as those which led to the flooding. The sub-group has asked that one be provided;


(c)  the observations, objections and comments have all been submitted and the sub-group is awaiting a response;


(d)  the Local Plan Part 2 will guide the shape of development of the city, and it has a wide range of policies that decides how planning applications are decided. The sub-group has been involved for some time in its development. It is out for consultation until 10 November 2017 due to some changes. The revised consultation document is 350 pages, so the sub-group has not finished reviewing it yet. There are some proposed changes to the policy wording which will have to be examined more closely. It is proposed that the sub-group will circulate comments to any Forum members who are interested, before providing final comments. PEDALS have been consulted separately and are providing their own feedback.


Further information was provided, following questions and comments from the Forum:


(e)  although the sub-group is not privy to detail on objections made by other groups at this stage, it is known that Natural England have raised significant concerns, and have stated that they will object to the quarry planning application if they are not provided with the information and evidence they have requested. It is understood that the Wildlife Trust have also raised concerns, and that there have been around 1,000 objections to the proposals so far;


(f)  if it goes ahead, the quarry will involve around 140 vehicle movements per day for 20 years. The application has also been forwarded to Jane Baines at Nottinghamshire County Council to see if their Local Access Forum is aware of the proposals;


(g)  guidance is available for what to look out for in planning applications. A Nottingham City Council colleague is able to help those interested in joining the sub-group with a brief training session for what to look out for, especially which particular key documents to inspect. Anyone interested in this coaching should email John Lee for further information:;


(h)  the sub-group members take it in turns to look at the monthly and weekly planning application lists. Most are minor extensions, change of use etc. One person can scan to ensure nothing has been missed which may require comment. If a planning application does require comment, usually the sub-group will work together to discuss it. Some applications have a few documents, some have hundreds of documents. The training will help identify which documents to focus on. If there is an impact on public rights of way, the law states this should be declared in any application;


(i)  in October there was an outline application for redevelopment of the Denewood centre, which possibly could have rights of way implications. This will be investigated further by the sub-group;


(j)  anyone wishing to join the sub-group or get involved should email Margaret ( or Steve (


RESOLVED to note the update and thank Margaret and Steve for the information.