Agenda item

Update from the Local Neighbourhoods and Environment Sub-Group


The Chair summarised that this group’s previous focus was to address street clutter but would now focus on engaging local communities to get involved in their local neighbourhoods, for example litter picking along public rights of way and open spaces.


The following points were highlighted and discussed:


(a)  Two litter picks have taken place on Sneinton Greenway, one just by members of the sub-group and Forum and another where the Sneinton Neighbourhood and Councillors assisted;


(b)  For 2019, the group needs to consider what to do next and where and how this will tie-in with the remit of the Forum;


(c)  Steve Stott from Community Protection has previously spoken to the Forum about the surprisingly limited powers which the Council has with regard to street clutter and particularly parking on pavements, but it does now appear that powers will be extended to enable fines to be issued for parking on pavements;


(d)  It was queried whether protection of open spaces could be included in the remit of the sub-group or if establishing a further sub-group would be more appropriate. John Lee and members of the Forum felt that as the NOSF was already focusing on this issue and that the LAF Planning Sub-Group also considered planning applications which could impact on rights of way and open spaces, that there was potential to link with NOSF on these issues and maybe request that representatives of the LAF attend NOSF meetings and in turn, invite NOSF to send a representative to LAF meetings;


(e)  The Chair commented that it was important for the Forum to determine what it wanted to achieve and how. There are pressures on parks and where an impact on open spaces is identified, this needs to be raised. As LAF is building relationships with communities, it will be easier to get its collective opinion heard and have a positive environmental impact;


(f)  Concern was expressed by Brendan McCabe whereby some time ago, access to Nottingham Castle Grounds had been free but there is now a charge. Members of the Forum responded that with the forthcoming requirement for parks to be self-funding, it was unlikely that this decision would be reversed. However, John Rhodes commented that once the major refurbishment work of the Castle was completed, enquiries could be made as to the potential for free access to the Castle grounds with entry charges only applying to the exhibits. It was felt that this would attract more visitors and therefore be good business. John Lee agreed to pursue the query.




(1)  to note the update;


(2)  for the Chair of the Forum (via John Lee and Liz Cordle) to liaise with the NOSF Chair to suggest a mutually beneficial representation arrangement;


(3)  for any LAF members interested in NOSF, attending its meetings and reporting back to the LAF, to contact John Lee;


(4)  for John Lee to invite a relevant officer responsible for the management of Nottingham Castle (once it reopens to the public), to attend the next meeting and respond to forum member’s suggestion that access to the Castle Grounds should be free of charge.