Agenda item


Report of Acting Corporate Director for Resources


Simon Burton, Corporate Risk Specialist, presented the report to the Committee of the red and amber rated risks identified in Quarter 1 of 2014/15.


The strategic risk threat level and direction of travel (DoT) are as follows:


SR No.

Strategic Risk Description






Red rated strategic risks (6)


Failure to safeguard vulnerable children





Failure to accurately predict and respond to financial pressures to ensure delivery of the Council Plan priorities





Failure to ensure a financially sustainable adult social care system that protect vulnerable adults and manage the impact of the Care Act

9 to 12




Failure to provide the best educational outcome for children and opportunities for young people to access further education and skills training to contribute to the economic wellbeing of the City (under review)





Failure to support Nottingham citizens and

communities in minimising the negative impact of

welfare changes





Failure to secure affordable and fit for purpose ICT arrangements aligned to current and future business productivity and effectiveness





Amber rated strategic risks (9)


Failure to mitigate the impact of the economic climate on the Nottingham City and its citizens

9 At target




Failure to create an organisational environment that supports delivery of Council priorities (new risk added Q1 2013/14)





Failure to implement and embed effective information management structures, polices, procedures, processes and controls to support the council’s immediate and future regulatory, legal, and business requirements

12 to 9

At target




Failure to reduce levels of crime and anti-social

behaviour (ASB)

8 At target




Failure to embed a corporate approach to

commissioning, informed by citizen need, which drives delivery of improved services at significantly lower cost

9 to 8

At target




Of the reputation of the City

6 At target




Failure to safeguard vulnerable adults

6 At target




Failure to maintain good standards of governance

6 At target




Failure to ensure effective systems are in place to manage health and safety risks

6 At target



Green rated strategic risks - There are no green rated risks at Q1.


DoT key:   ?Reducing Threat Level

  ? Stable Threat Level

  ? Increasing Threat Level


It is noted that Glen O’Connell, Director of Legal and Democratic Services, is unable to attend today’s meeting to discuss strategic risk number 10, ‘Failure to maintain good standards of governance’. The Committee are keen for this strategic risk to be considered in more depth at the November meeting.


The Committee’s question and comments were responded to as follows:


(a)  with regard to Council attitudes towards outsourcing and progress in identifying new partnerships to reduce overheads, the commercialisation work stream encourages consideration of bidding for new work from various authorities and partners. However willing and compatible partners have to be found. Such arrangements between some authorities in London work well and save a lot of money as their demographics and operational requirements and the methods are very similar. East Midlands Shared Services was established to save money by sharing Financial and Human Resources functions with the expectation that other authorities would join the arrangement. There have been some challenges, specifically around IT systems but these are being addressed and the East Midlands Shared Services Project Board regularly receive updates on the operation and progress of shared services.




(1)  for strategic risk number 10, ‘Failure to maintain good standards of governance’, to be considered at the November meeting of the Committee;


(2)  to note the progress made in reducing the seriousness of the Council’s strategic risks as reflected by their threat levels and direction of travel for Quarter 1/14/15 (table 1 and appendix 5) and for the year 2013/14;


(3)  to note the results of the review of the Strategic Risk Register (SRR) by the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT);


(4)  to consider strategic risk 31, failure to secure affordable and fit for purpose ICT arrangements aligned to current and future business productivity and effectiveness’, or specific scrutiny as part of the Quarter 1 2014/15 Update, at the November meeting of the committee;


(5)  for the Head of Internal Audit to provide members of the Committee with access to the minutes of East Midlands Shared Services Project Board, specifically in relation  to the concern of the Committeeregarding the operation and potential risk posed by the Oracle IT system.

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