Ken Weise to report
With the perspective of a cyclist, Ken Weise highlighted some minor alterations to existing roads and footpaths to include shared or dedicated access for cyclists. Whilst cycle routes already existed, many are isolated so Ken suggested, with the aid of a presentation, the following additional link-routes with a view to a connecting current cycle facilities and encouraging more cycling:
Woodthorpe Park.From Mansfield road, through the park on an additional surface aligned to the existing footpaths or long part of the outer boundary, to the top end of the park.
Valley Road.For the area between Daybrook and the City Hospital, there is an existing park and open space with the brook running alongside Valley Road. Although some sections of this land may be nature reserves, it is surely better to encourage its use and improve the safety (and air quality) for cyclists.
Councillor Linda Woodings commented that the City Council has secured European Funding via DEFRA for flood alleviation works around the River Leen, with some of that funding to be used on blue/green infrastructure. As part of the flood alleviation work, the river would meander to slow the flow of water (from being straight) and although to be used as a flood water storage area when necessary, there was potential to establish a footpath along its route.
John Lee commented that public rights of way have co-existed for many years so if properly managed, he cannot see any specific issues.
In addition to Chair of NOSF, Martin Willis is also Chair of the Nottingham Urban Wildlife Scheme and commented that whilst it is okay for people to have access to wildlife areas, materials need to be sensitive as tarmac and lighting is detrimental to wildlife. It is noted that the high school own the section of the brook beyond the City Hospital and they are not willing to allow it to be incorporated into the scheme without reimbursement.
Councillor Linda Woodings also informed the Forum that a scheme to improve safety for cyclists between Western Boulevard and Vernon Road is currently in consultation.
Mansfield Road/Rock Cemetery.There is capacity at the brow of the hill for a cycle lane to be introduced next to the 2 traffic lanes, in preference to 3 lanes of traffic which could become two.
The Chair felt that has there was not enough time available in the meeting to consider the proposals in detail, that further work could be done separately with specialist advice. John Lee suggested that the City Council’s Cycling and Walking Road Safety Team would be the most appropriate specialists as they deal with road safety and have previously looked at issues of concern at Forest Road East and Mansfield Road.
(1) to thank Ken Weise for his suggestions and presentation;
(2) for John Lee to invite the ‘Cycling and Walking Road Safety Team’ to attend the April meeting of the Forum to discuss at least one of the proposed cycle route ideas, having received outline proposals from Ken in advance.