Agenda item

Police Update


Inspector Riz Khan, Neighbourhood Policing Inspector, gave a verbal update on policing issues in the area. The following points were highlighted:


Hyson Green & Arboretum and Radford


a)  Overall, there has been a small increase in All Crime Recorded including Non-Crime & ASB to 35 more offences than last year in the same period from 1 April 2019 to 10 June 2019. This equates to a 6.4% increase in recorded offences;


b)  However, there have been positive outcomes, arrests and prosecutions of 86 crimes (15%), which is 3 less offences than last year;


c)  Stalking, social media harassment and events will have a seasonal influence;


d)  There been a slight increase in violence with injury from April 2019 to date, with 18 more offences in the same period than last year. As for violence without injury, the police have detected 13 offences so far with an 8.3% decrease from last year; 


e)  Robberies are 9 less (down 41%) in the same period, but detected 4 of them;


f)  There has been a slight increase of offences in burglaries with 3 more than last year. The police have detected 3 offences so far;


g)  Shop theft has decreased by 37%, with 0 less offences;


h)  Theft from Motor Vehicles has increased with 4 more than last year and Theft of Motor Vehicles is down 6 from the same period; 


i)  Criminal damage is slightly up by 10 offences, with 5 being detected;


j)  Domestic violence is up by 22 offences; with 9 being detected;


k)  Hate crime has down 20% with 5 less offences;


l)  Anti-Social Behaviour is down by 5% with 14 less incidents;




m)  There has been a slight increase in All Crime Recorded including Non-Crime & ASB to 29 more offences, in the same period from April 2019 to 10 June 2019. This equates to a 6% Increase in recorded offences;


n)  Positive outcomes, arrests and prosecutions of 88 more offences, equating to 17.4%; 


o)  There been a 6% decrease in violence with injury and 17.5 % detection rate since April 2019;


p)  There have been 9 less robberies this year, a 50% reduction from last year, and 22% detection rate;


q)  There has been a 17% drop in burglaries, with 8 less offences than last year. Shop theft has increased by 22 offences;


r)  Both Theft from Motor Vehicles and Theft of Motor Vehicles are down 45%;


s)  Domestic violence is up by 6 offences; although the police have detected 16% of them;


t)  Hate Crime has increased by 4 offences, in which 2 incidents have been detected by prosecution and several others by community resolution;


u)  Anti-Social Behaviour is up by 36 offences.


The Committee’s questions were responded to as follows:


v)  November 2018 - £2,000 from the PCC office. Paid for extra patrol and warrants;


w)  There were 9 arrests and convictions for domestic violence;


x)  The statistics for Stop and Search can be provided for the next meeting;


y)  Two ward walks talk place in Arboretum, so the police and Neighbourhood Development are aware of the prostitution, drug offences and anti-social behaviour taking place in the terraces near Nottingham High School;


z)  The Drug Prevention Team work covertly to identify and arrest drug users and dealers. They use Dispersal Orders to move drug users out of an area. If they return to that area within 24 hours, they can be prosecuted under Section 34 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act.


RESOLVED to note the crime statistics for Castle, Hyson Green & Arboretum and Radford.