Report of the Corporate Director for Children and Adults and the Chief Finance Officer
Analysis of attainment data for Children in Care to follow.
Ceri Walters, Head of Commercial Finance, introduced the report setting out the recommendations of the Schools Forum Sub-Group on specific items of expenditure for inclusion in the 2020/21 budget setting process. The Sub-Group met on 25 September 2019 and were content to accept the proposals put forward by the LA on the funding of historic commitments for the financial year 2020/21.
Judith Kemplay, Chair, went through appendices C-F of the report which go into further detail on the combined budget contributions and their impact on Nottingham City pupils. These were closely scrutinised by the Sub-Group.
(1) approve in principle the historic commitments set out below, totalling £6.570m, noting the additional historic detail set out in the report:
Service description |
Total cost |
Contribution to combined budgets |
Family Support - £0.981m |
£2.887m |
Integrated Placements - £1.327m |
Safeguarding Training - £0.109m |
Virtual School - £0.470m |
Termination of employment costs |
£1.608m |
Prudential borrowing |
£0.274m |
Capital expenditure from revenue accounts |
£0.801m |
SEN Transport |
£1.000m |
Total |
£6.570m |
Terry Smith (maintained primary schools) wished for his abstention on the vote to be recorded.
(2) note that the Schools Forum Sub-Group were in agreement to recommend the Schools Forum the approval of the historic commitments;
(3) note that if historic commitments are less than anticipated the funding of these commitments will be amended in the budget report in January 2020.
Supporting documents: