Agenda item

Decisions taken under Urgency Procedures

Report of the Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council presented the report detailing urgent decisions that Council is required to note, which have been taken under provisions within the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules and Access to Information Rules.


Resolved to note


(1)  the urgent decisions (exempt from call in)


Decision Reference Number

Date of Decision


Value of Decision

Reason for Urgency



Acceptance of funding from the Department for Transport’s Covid-19 Emergency Active Travel Fund – Tranche 1


To enable works to commence by 3 August 2020, which was a requirement of the funding.



Essential health and safety works at Broadmarsh Shopping Centre

Up to £343,500

As of 31 July 2020 Intu removed site security and any presence on site.  This would have had health and safety implications for both remaining tenants, who access the service road on the site, and also leave the site unprotected and could potentially endanger the public.  In addition, works to reopen the public right of way between Lister Gate and Collin Street needed to progress at speed to allow the public to safely access the Southern Gateway of the City.



Contribution to service charge at a Council owned property


To enable payment to be made to contractors as soon as possible. 



New 12 month Authority Public Protection ‘Flare’ contract


The contract provider had imposed a deadline for the Council to commit by which could not be achieved if the call in period proceeded, and not meeting the deadline could have resulted in a detrimental financial impact on the Authority.



Strategic Review


Timescales were driven by engagement with third parties, outside the control of the City Council.  A delay could have resulted in a significant negative impact on the finances of the Council.



Nottingham Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall – External tiles replacement


To enable works to commence and be completed while the Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall are closed and before winter months when it would not be possible to carry out the works.


(2)  the Key Decisions taken under the Special Urgency Procedure


Decision reference number

Date of Decision


Value of Decision

Reason for Special Urgency



Strategic Review


Timescales were driven by engagement with third parties, outside the control of the City Council.  A delay could have resulted in a significant negative impact on the finances of the Council.

Minute ref: 35

21 July 2020

Finance, HR and Payroll System


The programme had reached a critical point and a decision on the implementation date was required in order to finalise the implementation plan and ensure that the planned date could be achieved.  Failure to make a swift decision could have resulted in an inability to meet the revised date with associated failure to achieve benefits and incurring of further costs.  Without approval for the spend the Council would have been unable to retain critical resources, whose contracts were due for imminent renewal and that were essential to meet the implementation date.

Minute ref: 42

22 September 2020

Interim Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan and Draft Strategy


The Interim Budget had to be approved by Full Council on 5 October.  The Interim Budget includes a number of new in year savings that required a period of statutory consultation as detailed in the Council Financial Position – 2020/21 Budget Update report to Executive Board on 21 July 2020.


Supporting documents: