Agenda item

Procurement of Services for Rough Sleepers - Key Decision

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Heritage


Bobby Lowen, Commissioning Lead, introduced the report putting forward recommendations to allow the Council to appoint a framework of providers able to provide services for people sleeping rough (and those at risk of rough sleeping) in Nottingham.


The creation of a framework is proposed in order to ensure that the Council is able to select organisations that have been able to demonstrate their qualification to provide services for rough sleepers to receive contracts for the delivery of these services in Nottingham. The introduction of a framework will also create more opportunity for the Council to achieve best value (in quality and price) and will support compliance with procurement legislation.


The following answers were provided following questions from the Committee:


(a)  procurement opportunities will be advertised on the Council’s portal, and known stakeholders will also be notified by email;

(b)  working with other local authorities was considered but rejected as an option as there are many good service providers in the city. Service providers and groups were consulted on the framework.


Resolved to


(1)  approve the procurement of a framework of providers of services to assist rough sleepers as a mechanism for the compliant future contracting of these services;

(2)  delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Development and Growth to award contracts to providers selected to the framework through the procurement

(3)  delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Development and Growth to agree the outcome of call off competitions under the framework and to award contracts in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Heritage.


Reasons for recommendations:


·  In recent years, the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has sought applications from local authorities to access short-term funding awards (typically on an annual basis) to address rough sleeping. These opportunities have been presented through the Rough Sleeping Initiative, the Rapid Rehousing Pathway, the Cold Weather Fund, and the Next Steps Accommodation Programme.

·  It is anticipated the requirement for local authorities to submit bids will continue as the means used by MHCLG for the administration of funding for services to assist rough sleepers from 2021/22 and beyond.

·  Nottingham City Council has been successful in successive applications for funding since the launch of the governments Rough Sleeping Initiative in the spring of 2018. It is likely that the Council will continue to apply for funding from MHCLG to assist in its efforts (and in the efforts of its partners) to reduce rough sleeping in Nottingham.

·  Applications for funding from MHCLG have typically required the submission of proposals within a short bidding window. This has limited the scope to produce the delivery of services through a competitive tender process.

·  The creation of a framework will provide the opportunity for the Council to make sure that contracts for services for rough sleepers are awarded to organisations that have demonstrated their suitability through a clear procurement process. The provision of a framework will also allow for competitive ‘mini-tenders’ to help the Council to secure the most suitable services and achieve best value in its use of funding to reduce rough sleeping.

·  The use of a framework to procure services through an open process will also ensure compliance with EU and UK procurement legislation and the Council’s Financial Regulations.

·  The delegation of authority to the Corporate Director for Development and Growth and the Head of Contracting and Procurement is sought to enable the appointment of providers onto the framework and subsequent award of contracts in accordance with the outcome of procurement processes in a timely way.


Other options considered in making recommendations:


·  Not to establish a framework for services for rough sleepers. This option is not recommended on the basis that it will not offer a compliant arrangement for selecting providers to deliver services and benefits in helping to secure the most suitable and value for money services will not be realised.


Supporting documents: