Agenda item

Core Development Standard Progress & Updates

Presented by Elaine Mitchell, Integrated Workforce Manager, and James Lovett, Integrated Workforce Development Specialist


Elaine Mitchell, Integrated Workforce Manager, and James Lovett, Integrated Workforce Development Specialist and project manager, presented the report which informs the partnership work undertaken to refresh the Core Development Standard from 2017, including seeking approval to rename it the ‘Children’s Partnership Board Development Offer’.


The report and was accompanied by a presentation which is issued with the initial publication of the minutes and identifies the changes made from the 2017 Standard.


The following points were highlighted and responses provided to questions:


a)  a task and finish group consisting of a range of connected professionals and partners worked well over only 2 meetings to revise the format, update the priorities and ensure there is an easily accessible and co-ordinated offer in one single page per age grouping, providing information on resources available (including e-learning) across the whole of the children and young people focused workforce within the City:


b)  the new offer now includes an integrated service specific to 0-5 year’s age group, alongside the 0-19 year’s resources available;


c)  the offer will continue to be evaluated, monitored and updated on a quarterly basis to evolve in line with resources available and required to respond to current priorities, whereas previously, the Standard was reviewed annually;


d)  some partner members felt that there is still more to consider regarding what should be available and identifying gaps, including ensuring that the Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC) programme in the City is fully utilised;


e)  it’s necessary to ensure that the workforce has the skills and knowledge to intervene early to make the most effective contribution within the City. The new addition of speech, language and communication is an exciting element;


f)  best practice doesn’t stand still so the documents will continue to evolve;


g)  the offer needs to be promoted and accessible to the voluntary community sector as part of the wider partnership in addition to statutory partners, meeting the CYPP priority of safeguarding and having the right people to connect with for safe advice and direction;


h)  one of the aims of the offer is to ensure that there are no blind spots and gaps in the resources available, and that the offer is accessible to everyone, including those harder to reach groups. Since the requirement for virtual communications due to the pandemic, communications have become easier to access and are broader reaching but the offer still needs to be promoted through all routes as a tool to help and support rather than dictate. Further ideas are welcomed as to how it could reach a further audience;


i)  it will be very difficult monitor usage of the offer on the website other than registering ‘hits’ which will only indicate general access and not the resources and specific tools used. There are plans to train the trainer to help spread the knowledge but any support or suggestions for promoting the offer are welcomed;


j)  it is gratefully noted that there appear to be a couple of partner provided e-learning packages omitted from the offer regarding Adverse Child Experiences (ACEs) which was jointly provided by the City and County Council in conjunction with Public Health, and also around Autism. However, it is recognised that further work is required around the Autism offer and work on Adverse Child Experiences (ACEs) is yet to be confirmed so the document will continue to evolve.


The Chair welcomed the offer and believed that it sits well within the current improvement journey and child focused approach.




1)  to rename the Core Development Standard (CDS) to Children’s Partnership Board Development Offer (CPBDO);


2)  for the workforce to use the Children’s Partnership Board Development Offer (CPBDO) as a best fit resource within their own internal training programmes;


3)  to agree new updates to the Children’s Partnership Board Development Offer (CPBDO), which aims to provide up to date training materials, resources and course materials that are of easy accessibility and incorporating the whole workforce partnership throughout;


4)  to agree the inclusion of the Early Outcomes Fund (EOF) and how this will revolutionise support for speech, language and communication (SLC) in the early years’ age groups;


5)  to promote and raise awareness of Children’s Partnership Board Development Offer (CPBDO) through Every Colleague Matters (ECM), including a navigation video of how to use the updated documents.

Supporting documents: