Agenda item

Draft Nottingham City Children and Young People's Plan 2021-2023 for Consultation

Presented by Sophie Russell, Head of Children’s Strategy and Improvement


Sophie Russell, Head of Children’s Strategy and Improvement, presented the initial consultation draft of the Nottingham City Children and Young People's Plan 2021-2023, which it is anticipated will be presented in its final form at the March 2021 meeting for adoption.


The new streamlined version is less formalised, easily accessible and simpler to share with communities and young people, in addition to being a useful tool for professionals to link into when formulating new strategies.


Further consultation of the draft is taking place.


The majority of priorities identified in the original Plan were considered to be still relevant but an additional priority has been identified of ‘hearing and including children, young people and families’. This has been identified as a particular focus in the current circumstances of the pandemic and lockdowns, whereby digital exclusion and poverty have been highlighted and also in recognition of disproportionality for BAME young people.


The next stage is to identify existing plans and strategies to prevent duplication of work amongst partners.


Early Health remains a priority with a focus on preventative action and a strategic approach.


Comments from Partnership Members and responses to questions included:


a)  with regard to the figure referred to of 16% of pupils in the City having Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/or disabilities, this figure is not only based on children with Health and Care Plans (HCPs) but is more broadly inclusive of the wide range of needs across the City;


b)  the dedicated consultation events have provided some powerful quality feedback from young people which has proved very positive in initially identifying and underpinning the most important priorities;


c)  during the year ahead, partners need to focus on addressing the digital deprivation which has been exacerbated due to the pandemic;


d)  it’s important that where young people are engaged and contribute, that they see the results and for partners to be accountable to the young people who brought those ideas and evidence forward;


e)  the Small Steps Big Changes partners welcome the priority for early intervention to prevent escalation of issues. The parent’s voice is also valuable for capturing the voice of younger children and needs to be listened to;


f)  the inclusion of the learning and achievement priority is welcomed and it is suggested that the draft plan is presented to the Nottingham Schools Trust Termly Heads Briefing. Also beneficial would be updates or evidence of what partners are doing to contribute to progressing the plan priorities. With regard to focusing on addressing the digital divide issue, the Nottingham Schools Trust has been supported in steps to support pupils with the issue of connectivity through a generous donation of sim cards for children who have been struggling, although finding the appropriate and compatible machinery is an on-going effort;


g)  young careers are recognised as having some specific vulnerabilities but are not considered as a separate focus within the plan to prevent duplication as many of their known issues are the same as other young people but with additional complexities which can then be considered separately;


h)  the plan needs to feel right for all members of the Partnership so moving forward, it is proposed for the Partnership to look at how they are using the plan to co-ordinate a united approach without duplication. This includes commissioning of services across the partnership, which may need to be creative;


i)  the refreshed Local Engagement and Participation Strategy is due to be submitted to the March meeting of the Partnership. We as a partnership need to ensure that there is continued and on-going engagement with children and young people via established channels but also with young voices and parents. It would be beneficial if this could possibly be tracked by the Partnership.


Members of the Partnership welcomed the easily understandable and very helpful plan, with several offering routes for further consultation of young people through the respective partner bodies. The priorities of being heard and included and digital inclusion (within learning and achievement) are welcomed.


Resolved to note the draft Nottingham City Children and Young People's Plan 2021-2023.

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