Agenda item

To receive official communications and announcements from the Leader of the Council and/or the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive reported the following:


Edie Awards

Nottingham City Council’s Energy Services team won a national award in February 2021 for efforts to address fuel poverty and increase the use of green energy during the Covid crisis.  The Team implemented a range of measures as soon as the first lockdown was announced last March, to support vulnerable people who were self-isolating and spending more time at home. They had over 10,000 interactions with customers through the first six months of the pandemic, and have saved an average of £1,176 per household.  Their achievements were recognised by the Edie Awards – one of the leading national awards for sustainability – where they won the Green Recovery Initiative of the Year award.


Departure of Corporate Director for Growth and City Development

Chris Henning, Corporate Director for Growth and City Development, leaves the Council on 7 May, having joined Nottingham City Council as Director of Economic Innovation and Employment in October 2013. In that time, Chris has overseen much of the transformation and development across our city, including the new £58m City Hub campus, the BioCity development and the regeneration of Clifton and Bulwell town centres. I would like to thank Chris on behalf of the Council for the contribution he has made over that time and his dedication to Nottingham.  I wish Chris all the very best in his future endeavours and, on behalf of the Council and the people of Nottingham, I thank him for his service and commitment to our City.


Departure of Director of Public Health

Alison Challenger, Director of Public Health left Nottingham City Council on 23 April, having joined the Council in 2016. Throughout the Covid pandemic, Alison has led an incredible effort, working together with her Public Health colleagues at the Council and partner organisations to keep Nottingham people safe and informed. But her work in Nottingham goes much further than Covid, having pushed forward with changes in a number of areas and has been a respected voice on Nottingham’s Health and Wellbeing Board. On behalf of the Council and the people of our city, I would like to thank Alison for her service and commitment to our City.


Re-opening of Nottingham Castle

I am very pleased with the recent announcement that Nottingham Castle will reopen on 21 June, following a £30m development with partners including the National Lottery Heritage Fund, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and the Nottingham Castle Trust to transform the visitor experience. 


Death of the HRH Prince Philip

I would like to take this opportunity to mark the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip on 9 April.  The Prince has given long and faithful service to this country and years of devotion to the Queen.  Among his many achievements, the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme stands as a lasting legacy which has helped many thousands of young people to gain confidence in themselves and find their way in life.  His contribution to public life will not be forgotten.  An online book of condolence has been opened, details of which can be found on the Council’s website.


A minute’s silence was held.