Joint Report of the Director of Education Servces and the Corporate Director for People
Kathryn Stevenson, Senior Commercial Business Partner, introduced the report outlining rationale and criteria for providing targeted funding to qualifying primary
schools. Additional funding outside the main funding formula for mainstream schools and academies where the number of their pupils with SEND and/or high needs is not reflected adequately in the funding they receive through the local funding formula.
under the National Funding Formula, schools receive funding for
additional needs, and the cost of this up to £6000 for
individual pupils, through a combination of deprivation and Low
Prior Attainment (LPA) factors. This means that where schools have
disproportionately high numbers of high needs pupils in comparison
to deprived and LTA pupils they are not adequately reflected in the
the Local Authority is proposing to identify these schools with
disproportionate numbers of high needs
pupils compared to the size of their deprived and LPA cohorts that
are generating their funding for additional needs. Where actual
numbers of high needs pupils are more than 2 above the ordinary
threshold, targeted funding will be provided from high needs to
cover in full the costs of the first £6000 of additional
for 2020/21 the formula will result in 16 schools receiving
targeted funding allocations, with the first £6000 cost being
met for 55 high needs pupils across those schools;
the schools with the highest proportion of high needs pupils use up
to 90% of their notional SEN budget on the first £6000 cost
of these pupils, compared to a city average of 33%. The proposed
additional funding will have the impact of bringing all schools
into the range of needing 38-59% of notional SEN budgets for
supporting the first £6000 cost of these pupils;
(e) all primary schools were invited to share their views and comments on the proposals as part of a consultation which took place between 20th May and 15th June 2021. 18 responses were received, with ten schools being fully supportive and the remaining eight being uncertain on concerns about their budget being detrimentally impacted;
The following points were raised during the
discussion which followed:
pupil numbers will be based on the January census so in-year
admissions may not get picked up but the system does provide a
fixed amount per year to each school for certainty and has less of
a lag build in than the previous system;
it can be a major problem if several children with high needs start
at a school simultaneously with no warning. With the new system
panels are built in almost every 6 weeks to speed up funding
(h) feedback on how the new system has worked can be provided when the new budget is set for next year.
Resolved to
note the new criteria for allocating targeted funding
from the High Needs budget to primary schools from April
(2) note that the projected £0.330m cost of the proposal in 2021/22 will be funded from the overall £8.052m budgeted from the High needs for mainstream schools.
Supporting documents: