Agenda item



The Chair of the meeting was of the opinion that this item, although not included on the agenda, should be considered as a matter of urgency in accordance with Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, in view of the special circumstances that the Committee needed updating on grant commitments and priorities for 2014/15 .


Dave Brennan of Castle Cavendish updated the Committee as follows:


Children and Young People Priority


(a)  Outputs for 2013/14:     





The number of unique young people involved in diversionary activities 



The number of unique young people  supported through targeted provision 



The average number of hours of each  person will be engaged through  diversionary activities     



The average number of hours of each person will be engaged through targeted provision 



The total hours of activity provided



The average cost of diversionary activities per hour per person 



The average cost of targeted provision per hour per person




(b)    CYP Funding 2013/14:


·  Nottingham City Council Area Based Grant  £72,830 (65%)

·  Castle Cavendish Funds  £39,212 (35%)

·  Total Investment  £112,042


(c)    the key priorities for CYP 2014/15 are:

·  a Summer Events and Activities Programme;

·  a link through to new Multi-Agency Youth Panel;

·  support diversionary provision based on sporting or active lifestyles across all main CYP facilities;

·  support additional provision for Key Stage 2 Age Group;

·  encourage whole family involvement activities, such as Parent and Play sessions;

·  pursue the development of Radford Unity Complex as a Youth and Community Hub;

·  look at ways of empowering young people;


(d)  the Summer activities programme funded 18 groups and events/activities which were delivered from July-September. These ranged from sporting events to arts and craft-based activities, dance courses and activities and fun days for local communities. The total grant provided was £26,400.


(e)    the current grant commitment per ward is:

·  Lenton and Dunkirk - £16,500;

·  Radford and Park - £20,000;

·  Arboretum - £32,000;

·  Area-wide - £14,000;


(f)    the proposed CYP funding 2014/15:

·  Nottingham City Council Area Based Grant  £97,107 (76%);

·  Castle Cavendish Funds  £29,575 (24%);

·  Total investment  £126,682;


(g)    Step into Work is an 18-24’s Community Jobs Programme whose aim is to engage and support 18-24 year olds furthest from the labour market to be ‘work ready’ and get a job. The primary objectives in 2014/15 are to engage 131 young people, to support 92 into accredited learning and skill development and to ensure 52 go into sustainable work. The total investment is £139,000 with £121,000 (87%) coming from the City Council via the Cabinet Office and £18,000 (13%) from Castle Cavendish Funds;


(h)  Castle Cavendish has been awarded a grant of £21,428 from One Nottingham to set up and facilitate Work Clubs in Area 4;


(i)  total investment in 2014/15:

    Nottingham City Council:

§  Area-Based Grant    £101,867

§  18-24s Step Into Work  £121,000

§  Work Clubs  £21,428


      Sub-Total:    £244,295

      Castle Cavendish Funds   £50,925

      Total Investment    £295,220


In response to a Councillor’s question, Mr Brennan advised that a grant of £3,500 had been made to Hyson Green Youth Club, and that the Step Into Work programme for 18-24 year-olds now had a presence on Alfreton Road, in the same building as Kemet FM. Funding had also been provided to establish a Youth Forum, to help improve engagement. He acknowledged that Radford Unity Complex was currently under-utilised, but explained that resources were scarce.


RESOLVED to note the presentation.