Agenda item

Children's Integrated Services Improvement


Councillor Cheryl Barnard, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, introduced the report to the Committee. This was followed by a presentation delivered by Catherine Underwood, Corporate Director for People:


(a)  in February 2020, Ofsted undertook a focussed visit to look specifically at Nottingham City Council’s arrangements for children in need and those subject to a child protection plan, with a focus on children at risk of neglect. Ofsted issued two priority actions as a result of their findings. In June 2021 Ofsted carried out a follow up focussed visit looking at the same elements of service. No further priority actions or areas for improvement were identified, however a number of concerns were raised;

(b)  the report recognised the exceptionally difficult year for Nottingham, with not just Covid, but also significant bereavements within the service, and noted that in spite of this improvements have been made. Improvements in staffing stability and capacity were recognised. The reduction in caseload for some staff was recognised, although other caseloads remain too high;

(c)  the Service has been working with Essex County Council as a peer, and as an outstanding Council, to support and challenge the new model and ways of working. Committee members questioned why Essex had been chosen and were told that they have had a similar journey and have reached their outstanding status following around 10 years of continued improvement. Nottingham’s initial ambition is to improve and no longer be judged as requiring improvement, but there is ambition for continuous improvement leading to best quality services;

(d)  additional funding was secured for a limited period to support some agency staff to stabilise staffing gaps, to fund a temporary Improvement Directorate and business support, and to release capacity to develop a training programme. The challenge going forward will be to embed this training and remain fully staffed with the current financial constraints, and without the additional funding;

(e)  following a question on how the children of Nottingham directly benefit from the changes, Catherine confirmed that the voice of the child is a really important part of the Service’s work, and tools and techniques have been developed to support engagement. Workload is gradually reducing for practitioners, they are now paid more and have more opportunity for progression. Improvements have been discussed with staff in small groups, reflecting on the conditions needed to flourish and what they need to develop good practice;

(f)  the Committee suggested that children or young people, and frontline social workers, could be invited to the Committee in order to give their reflections on the improvement work being undertaken;

(g)  a permanent Principal Social Worker has been appointed. On being asked about this role and whether they are simply another manager, Catherine confirmed that they do not carry a caseload, but act as a link between the frontline workforce and the leadership, working alongside practitioners and chairing workforce forums;

(h)  on being asked about families with no recourse to public funds, Catherine informed the Committee that the Council works closely with the Home Office to resolve their cases as quickly as possible, and the number of these is reducing;

(i)  the Council makes representations to the Government for additional funding jointly with other East Midlands Councils, as forming alliances makes the message stronger.


The Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People assured the Committee that, from what she had observed, the Service is on the right track in making improvements.


The Committee agreed to schedule a further review of progress in 2022, and it was suggested that, prior to that review, Committee members speak directly to front line social workers to hear their perspective.

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