Agenda item

Local Outbreak Management Plan Update


Lucy Hubber, Director of Public Health for Nottingham City Council, delivered a presentation, a copy of which is included with the initial publication of the minutes.


The following points were highlighted:


a)  case rates remained steady over summer months at around 350 per 100,000 per population which is top of the national table. However, local rates declined to the 250s during October whilst rates in other areas in country increased. Currently at 290.4 cases per 100,000,  Nottingham is now experiencing an ongoing increase in case rates, mainly in the adult age group and rising whilst in the rest of the country, rates appear to be falling;


b)  there doesn’t appear to be any outbreak connection to venues or age groups but it is vital that everyone remains vigilant as we enter the Christmas period where socialising and social contact increases;


c)  from mid-September to mid-October there was a rise in case numbers as children returned to school, particularly amongst secondary school children who were requested to test regularly. Adults case rates also increased steadily during this period, although the sharpest increase in cases was amongst those aged 60 years and over although this is quite a small group so small numbers will have a higher impact on rates. The 40 to 59-year-olds group showed the second largest increase;


d)  case rate increases appear to be linked to behaviour change and increased mobility as citizens go out and socialise more. Rates are lowest amongst the student age group of 18 to 22 years which is a very well vaccinated group within the City;


e)  testing across all ages remains consistent.


Questions from Board Members were responded to as follows;


f)  continued testing is vital. Although not specifically required, primary school children can also be tested, especially when mixing at school and socially and then returning to households with older family members who may be more at risk. Tests are still freely available, once registered online issued with the code which can be taken to pharmacies;


g)  if people are experiencing even mild symptoms such as a cough, they should take a test. The more of us who wear face coverings, the more protected we all are particularly in enclosed spaces. Vaccination is vital, if eligible, it’s is strongly suggested to accept vaccine booster.


Members made the following comments:


h)  it’s interesting how the increase is related to general transmission with behaviour changes and mixing more, particularly in indoor spaces, and not to any events. This underlines the importance of maintaining such easily adaptable measures as face coverings and regular hand washing, which previously kept transition rates low;


i)  the thanks of the Chair are passed to Councillor Adele Williams for writing to the Secretary of State requesting that control measures for public transport and in enclosed public spaces are formally imposed. Maintaining high standards is important and it’s disappointing that some of the mandatory requirements retained in Scotland, Wales, such as face coverings in enclosed public spaces, have not been retained in England;


j)  the case rate rise is concerning and we need to consider what more can be done to spread the message to protect each other.


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