Agenda item

Update on Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services

Report of the Chief Fire Officer



Candida Brudenell, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, presented the report which provided an update on the latest developments of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICRFS).


Highlighted points included the following:


a)  the round 2, tranche 1 inspection for NFRS took place last Autumn and was more thorough and comprehensive than previously;


b)  a ‘hot de-brief’ gave very positive feedback, especially around the commitment of the workforce and how they had embraced the inspectors during their visit;


c)  the formal outcome of the inspection will be published in the late Spring;


d)  the Annual State of Fire and Rescue Report was published in December 2021 in which the inspector, Sir Thomas Windsor, expressed frustration that whilst there have been some changes and improvement, more change is urgently required Nationally. As set out in the report, as the majority of previous recommendations are yet to be completed and signed off, no new recommendations are proposed at this time;


e)  for the round 2, tranche 1 reports, 11 Cause For Concern (CFC) have been issued (for 13 Services), against 10 CFCs during the last round of inspections  for 45 Services. As a result, combined with the poor progress on last year’s recommendations, the Inspectorate is becoming more critical and targeted in its judgement and stated that progress has not been as fast and progressive as expected, even taking into consideration the Sector strains around responding to COVID-19; 


f)  one additional element to the inspection has been the inclusion of ‘innovative practices’ which is an area in which this Service excels, so it is hoped that it will be recognised.


Members commented as follows:


g)  members of the Authority recognise that everyone in the Service has worked really hard through the pandemic and continues to do so under normal working conditions so it’s hoped that this is recognised and the report reflects the positive direction of travel;


h)  the Annual State of Fire and Rescue report was a national ‘wrap on the knuckles’ but this Service’s reputation and the respect of citizens remains high and has assisted in identifying points to progress. It’s vital that the Service take citizens and staff with it on the improvement journey;


i)  with regard to collaboration, the formal opening of the Joint Police/Fire Service Headquarters was held recently. The building is impressively modern and an attractive working environment. The contribution of current and previous Chairs of the Authority, Chief Fire Officers and Paddy Tipping as the former Police and Crime Commissioner should be noted.


Responses from the Senior Management Team included:


j)  during the first round of inspections, NFRS was not issued with any CFCs but was issued with 24 areas for improvement. NFRS were within the bottom quarter of national ranking in 2019;


k)  no CFCs were issued to NFRS on either inspection (they are issued within 28 days of the inspection so would have been received by now) and all the previous areas for improvement have now been addressed with one waiting for formal closure at a future Community Safety Committee meeting;


l)  all comments on areas for improvement from the last inspection are being considered and addressed;


m)  recommendations which required progress via the Local Government Association and/or National Fire Chiefs Council have been completed but the outstanding recommendations require Central Government to resolve and relate them to the white paper on reform, which is progressing through Government, and is beyond the remit of Services.


Resolved to note the report.


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