Report of the Corporate Director of Residents Services
Louise Graham, Voluntary and Community Sector Partnerships Manager, presented a report on the proposed new Partnership Agreement with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and the NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) for the commissioning of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse (DSVA) services. The following points were discussed:
(a) the current Partnership Agreement with the OPCC and the ICB for the funding and commissioning of DSVA services is coming to a close. It is proposed to enter into a new and revised Partnership Agreement, so that the Council can continue to receive funding for these DSVA services from the OPCC and the ICB;
(b) the commissioning of services will be carried out through local framework agreements so that the Council can react quickly as new funding becomes available. It is important to ensure that there are as many providers as possible in the local frameworks, covering a wide range of required services, to ensure the greatest flexibility in the commissioning process whilst avoiding the need for urgent commissioning decisions to be exempted from the normal Contract Procedure Rules;
(c) the local frameworks have been established to be fully open and transparent in demonstrating how best value is tested and achieved through an evidenced, equitable commissioning process. A market development function to support local providers is in place, and it is intended to develop this further in the future;
(d) the Committee noted that officers should carry out the annual review of the Partnership Agreement for the DSVA services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder with the appropriate remit. It considered that the transparent local frameworks are very positive, and that steps should be taken to achieve local and in-house service provision wherever possible.
(1) to approve entering into a new Partnership Agreement with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and the NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), to enable the Council to commission Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse (DSVA) services for citizens;
(2) to delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Residents Services to:
(i) sign the new Partnership Agreement for 2022;
(ii) carry out the annual review of the Partnership Agreement;
(iii) confirm by agreement in exchange of correspondence the future amounts of funding from the OPCC and the ICB, subject to the threshold specified in Recommendation 3;
(iv) accept additional funding over and above the threshold specified in Recommendation 3 that is offered on an ad hoc basis by the OPCC and the ICB under the Partnership Agreement, to enable the Council to commission additional DSVA services for citizens;
(v) agree the spend of funding for DSVA services in Nottingham;
(3) to approve the receipt by the Council of up to £5 million of partnership funding from the OPCC and ICB annually, for the commissioning of DSVA services.
· Reasons for the decision
A Partnership Agreement has been in place between the Council, the OPCC and the NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group (now the ICB) since 2013. It sets out the terms by which the partners have agreed to collaborate, the extent of the DSVA services included within such collaborative working, the responsibilities of the Council as the Lead Partner for commissioning, and the responsibilities of the ICB and OPCC as funding partners for those services. As a result of new legislation and local governance structure changes, a revised Agreement is necessary that takes account of the legislative developments and is agile enough to support dynamic service provision and variations in future funding contributions. The OPCC will lead on the Sexual Violence and Abuse commissioning, with a Partnership Agreement including Nottinghamshire County Council and the ICB to ensure full coverage for Nottinghamshire, and the Council will lead on Domestic Violence and Abuse commissioning, with a Partnership Agreement to cover the City.
· Other options considered
To not enter into a new Partnership Agreement: this option is rejected as the DSVA services for Nottingham are commissioned by the Council on behalf of the Partnership, recognising that this gives best value for money for the commissioners and also the services, and ensures a coherent and joined-up approach to DSVA services in the City. To not sign the new Partnership Agreement would result in the Council not receiving funds for DSVA services from both the OPCC (including from the Home Office and Ministry of Justice) and the ICB in the future.
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