Report of Corporate Director for Communities, Environment and Waste Services
Antony Greener, Head of District Heating and Waste Strategy, presented the report which seeks approval to undertake compliance procurement exercises for both the green waste composting contract, and the management and operational services of the Council’s Household Waste and Recycling Centre, in advance of the current contracts expiring in 2024. Councillor Corall Jenkins, Portfolio Holder for Energy, Environment and Waste Services and Parks, spoke in support of the recommendation.
Highlighted points and responses to members’ questions included:
a) The Council has a statutory duty as a Waste Disposal Authority under Section 51of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA) to arrange for the disposal of controlled waste collected in its area by the Waste Collection Authority, which is also the Council;
b) Composting green waste is collected between April and October/November, at an average of 12,000 tonnes per year, possibly more dependent on whether and growing conditions;
c) The Council has a statutory duty under Section 51(1)(b) of the EPA to provide places at which residents are able to deposit their household waste and recycling . This site is at Redfield Road in Lenton;
d) Consideration has been given to bringing this service back in-house, but it would require significant capital investment, and so it is recommended that the service is put out to tender;
e) Currently the site works extremely efficiently, with 92% of all waste delivered to the site being recycled. This is one of the best performing sites in the country.
Members of the committee welcomed the recycling achievement of the Redfield Road Recycling site, praised the helpful and efficient on-site staff, and welcomed the best value approach in the procurement of these services.
1) to approve the undertaking of a compliant procurement exercise for the provision of a green waste composting contract for the Council;
2) to approve the undertaking of a compliant procurement exercise for the provision of management and operational services of the Council’s Household Waste and Recycling Centre under contract to the Council;
3) to delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Communities, Environment and Resident Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance and the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources, to award contracts to the successful bidders.
Reasons for recommendations
o To allow the Council to discharge its statutory duty as a Waste Disposal Authority through tendering exercises defined by the Public Contract Regulations 2015 for the procurement of these waste disposal services;
o To procure provision for appropriate treatment of waste, via a competitive tendering exercise, enabling value for money and to seek continuously improving environmental performance through increased recycling, recovery and diversion of waste from landfill.
Other options considered in making recommendations
o The option to do nothing is rejected on the basis that delivery of the services described would not be compliant with the Council’s Contract procedure Rules;
o The option to directly award contracts is rejected on the basis that it would not comply with Public Contract Regulations 2015;
o The current contracts expire in March 2024. As a result, the solution which offers Best Value to the Council is to seek new contracts through competitive tendering. In-sourcing has been discounted and there are no viable delivery solutions which meet the Council’s requirements.
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