Agenda item

LA Officer's Update


Heidi Shewell-Cooper, SACRE Lead Officer, presented the Local Authority Officer’s Update report, and highlighted the following points:


(a)  the membership is looking healthy, though there are a few resignations to note. SACRE is asked to endorse recommendations for new members, while continuing to pursue other Group A vacancies. Members were encouraged to make recommendations if they know individuals who may potentially fill the vacancies;


(b)  the nominated Councillors for Group D have been confirmed by the Local Authority;


(c)  it is noteworthy that David Wand has resigned after over eighteen years on the group, and it would be recommended to write formally to thank David for his contribution over the years.


SACRE members acknowledged the contribution David made over eighteen years of membership of the group.




  1. to endorse the Local Authority’s nomination of Anna Ratcliff as Baptist representative;
  2. to endorse the proposal from the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham for Emmanuel Ofori to fill the remaining vacancy in Group B, moving from Group C.
  3. to endorse the Local Authority’s nomination of Councillor Sajid Mohammed and Councillor Farzanna Mahmood as confirmed members in Group D.


(d)  SACRE members attended two training events in November and December 2023. The first, ‘In Conversation’, brought representatives of SACREs across the country together to discuss key themes and inform national developments. It was proposed that a self-evaluation process inspired by this meeting should begin at the next meeting, with roundtable discussions in smaller groups.




4.  in light of this training, that SACRE undertake a self-evaluation process to inform the next Annual Report and enable SACRE to determine its priorities and work plan for 2024/25.


(e)  The second training session outlined the responsibilities of SACRE to monitor schools and the different approaches taken by SACREs across the country to do this;


(f)   this could include research into OFSTED reports, though RE is not always inspected, or observing assemblies, with a randomly allocated audit each term. It is important to being a meaningful discussion without impinging too much on headteachers’ and RE coordinators’ time, in a way that builds connections and creates value for the schools.




5.  that Nottingham City SACRE convene a ‘Monitoring Sub-Group’ to progress this area of work;

6.  that the membership of this sub-group should include Councillor Neghat Khan, Fiona Maciel, Norman Randall, Anna Ratcliff, and Pvail Singh.


(g)  OFSTED’s Annual Report was published in November 2023, and includes references to individual subjects, including RE.




7.  that SACRE take account of this Report in undertaking its role to monitor the quality of RE provision and supporting the professional development of staff.


(h)  SACRE acknowledged the support from colleagues in Newham in compiling guidance for schools regarding Ramadan. It has recently been reissued with an updated paragraph about music;


(i)   SACRE members agreed that it would be useful to adapt the document for next year to make it more specific to Nottingham.


(j)   work to revise and update the constitution is ongoing, and the document is currently with the legal team for comments. It is intended that the updated constitution will be brought to SACRE in July.


Supporting documents: