Agenda item

Membership of the Authority, Appointments to Committees and Boards, and Dates of Future Meetings

Report of the Solicitor, Clerk and Monitoring Officer


Malcolm Townroe, Solicitor, Clerk and Monitoring Officer, presented the report, confirming the membership of the Authority following the annual meetings of the County and City Councils, confirming the committee structure, requesting nominations to committees and boards, confirming dates of meetings, and seeking to appoint Chairs of certain committees from those appointed to serve on them.


He informed the Authority that the City Council appointments have been amended to include Councillor Gul Khan in place of Councillor Nick Raine.


The Chair informed the Authority that work would be done to move the June meetings, and that the outcome of this will be communicated to members.




(1)  To note the following appointments:


The City Council has appointed the following members:




Councillor Anwar Khan (Labour)

Councillor Gul Khan (Labour)

Councillor Salma Mumtaz (Labour)

Councillor Nayab Patel (Labour) 



Councillor Samina Riaz (Labour)


Councillor Audra Wynter (Labour)


The County Council has appointed the following members:


Councillor Callum Bailey (Conservative)

Councillor Richard Butler (Conservative)

Councillor John Clarke (Labour)

Councillor Robert Corden (Conservative)

Councillor Sybil Fielding (Labour)

Councillor Tom Hollis (Independent Alliance)

Councillor Johno Lee (Conservative)

Councillor Michael Payne (Labour)

Councillor Thomas Smith (Conservative)

Councillor Nigel Turner(Conservative)

Councillor Roger Upton (Conservative)

Councillor Jason Zadrozny (Independent Alliance)


(2)  To approve the Committee structure.


(3)  To approve the following appointments to Committees, Chairs and meeting dates:


(a)  Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority (10.30am)


26 July 2024

20 September 2024

13 December 2024

28 February 2025

23 May 2025 (AGM)


(b)  Policy and Strategy Committee


Meeting Dates (10am)


5 July 2024

Councillor Michael Payne (Chair)

15 November 2024

Councillor Sybil Fielding

31 January 2025

Councillor Tom Hollis

4 April 2025

Councillor Nigel Turner


Councillor Roger Upton


Councillor Audra Wynter


(c)  Human Resources Committee


Meeting Dates (10am)


28 June 2024

Councillor Audra Wynter (Chair)

8 November 2024

Councillor Robert Corden

24 January 2025

Councillor Tom Hollis

28 March 2025

Councillor Gul Khan

Councillor Johno Lee


Councillor Nayab Patel



(d)  Community Safety Committee


Meeting Dates (10am)


14 June 2024

Councillor Jason Zadrozny (Chair)

11 October 2024

Councillor Robert Corden

10 January 2025

Councillor Anwar Khan

14 March 2025

Councillor Gul Khan


Councillor Samina Riaz


Councillor Nigel Turner


(e)  Finance and Resources Committee


Meeting Dates (10am)


21 June 2024

Councillor John Clarke (Chair)

18 October 2024

Councillor Callum Bailey

17 January 2025

Councillor Richard Butler

21 March 2025

Councillor Sybil Fielding


Councillor Anwar Khan


Councillor Salma Mumtaz


Councillor Tom Smith


(f)  Personnel Committee


Meeting Dates


As and when required

Councillor Richard Butler


Councillor Gul Khan


Councillor Johno Lee


Councillor Nayab Patel


Councillor Samina Riaz


Councillor Roger Upton


Councillor Audra Wynter


(g)  Appointments Committee


Meeting Dates


As and when required

Councillor Sybil Fielding


Councillor Tom Hollis


Councillor Johno Lee


Councillor Michael Payne


Councillor Roger Upton


Councillor Audra Wynter


(4)  To approve the following appointments


(a)  Strategic Inclusion Board


Councillor Callum Bailey

Councillor Sybil Fielding

Councillor Michael Payne

Councillor Roger Upton

Councillor Audra Wynter

Councillor Jason Zadrozny


(b)  Pensions Board


Councillor Sybil Fielding

Councillor Nayab Patel (as substitute)

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Mick Sharman

Supporting documents: