Agenda item

Police Performance

Verbal update from the Police


Sergeant Paul Ferguson of Nottinghamshire Police, presented a performance update to the Committee, highlighting the following points:


(a)  additional funding is available to tackle drug related crime, but information is needed from residents on where dealing is taking place, so those areas can be targeted:


(b)  the Meadows Police Station will be closing either late 2015 or early 2016. There will still be a Police presence in the area:


(c)  there has been no increase in crime as a result of the tram. Shop crime in the Meadows is down by 15%, and any shoplifting offences are being committed by local residents, rather than those travelling into the area. Crime overall in Clifton and the Meadows has decreased by 1.3% over 12 months;


(d)  burglary dwelling has decreased, as has burglary non-dwelling, though a spike of allotment burglaries last week will scupper the burglary non-dwelling progress for next month’s figures;


(e)  theft of motor vehicles has decreased, whilst theft from motor vehicles has increased. There has been a spike across the city and neighbouring authorities in theft from commercial vehicles and vans. This is an organised crime issue, and a number of arrests have been made;


(f)  anti-social behaviour has decreased by 15%, but there are still issues that need to be tackled;


(g)  robberies have increased. Shop robberies have gone up by 4 offences, personal robberies have gone up by 7 offences. The 7 personal robberies were committed by one person, with multiple victims, and the suspect has been detained;


(h)  levels of domestic violence have increased, as has violence with injury. These incidents are often perpetrated by known offenders, rather than being random attacks. There has been no link to any licensed premises.


Sergeant Ferguson then answered questions and comments from the Committee:


(i)  Nottswatch is signposted at community events;


(j)  drug crime within the Meadows is causing significant problems, especially around drug-related litter. Used needles have been found in the community centre. It is important that any issues or drug paraphernalia are reported to the Police, so that they can draw an accurate picture of where usage and dealing is happening. A substantial amount of Class A drugs were recently found at a single address, along with a large amount of cash. An arrest has been made and ongoing warrants have been issued. An action plan is in place, and the Police want to stamp out the problem. It is a top priority;


(k)  there is no evidence to suggest why drug use has recently increased in the Meadows again;


(l)  recently a street party was held, and there was a belief that it was sanctioned by the Police, giving a mixed message. No such sanction for the party was obtained from the Police;


(m)  joint working takes place to try to tackle domestic violence and support victims. Standard risk (one-off incidents) don’t have a high level of support, incidents are recorded to spot any patterns or increased risk. Medium risk victims stay with the local beat team, working alongside Women’s Aid. The victim is given a support network and is re-visited. High risk incidents are managed by the Domestic Abuse Unit, who use a higher level of intervention.




(1)  thank Sergeant Ferguson for the performance update;


(2)  request an update on the drug issues in the Meadows to be presented to the February meeting of Area 8 Committee;


(3)  request a verbal update from Donna Sherratt, Community Family Support Manager Area 8, Nottingham City Council, on youth activities, to be presented at the February meeting of Area 8 Committee.