The Leader of the Council is elected by the City Council and is responsible for all of the executive functions of the Council. He/ she can personally make these decisions or choose to delegate them, including to the Executive Board Strategic Regeneration Committee.
The Executive Board Strategic Regeneration Committee oversees and gives impetus to regeneration projects, including major transport schemes, jobs and growth projects, significant property sales and acquisitions and redevelopment. The Committee also agrees strategies and policies relating to regeneration projects, and the use of resources to deliver projects, including accepting and allocating external sources of funding.
The Committee has the power to take ‘Key Decisions’. These are decisions resulting in the Council incurring expenditure or making income or savings of £1,000,000 or more, or those having a significant impact on two or more wards in the City. The intention to take a Key Decision is published in advance in the ’28 Day Notice’.
The Committee’s membership is the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive councillors with responsibility for Jobs and Growth, Planning and Transportation and Community safety, Housing and Voluntary Sector. The Executive Assistant for Housing and Regeneration is also invited to attend.
The Committee meets every 4-6 weeks and meetings are open to the public.
Support officer: Noel McMenamin. Email: