Committee details

Aspley, Bilborough and Leen Valley Area Committee

Purpose of committee

There are seven Area Committees, each covering a different area of the City (usually three wards). All of the councillors from the wards in a given area are members of its Area Committee. The Committees can also appoint local community representatives to attend and contribute to their meetings. These include representatives of tenants and leaseholders of Nottingham City Homes.


The Aspley, Bilborough and Leen Valley Area Committee meets to discuss issues of local concern and how to bring improvements to its local communities. It is also consulted on wider Council policies that could have a local impact. It oversees the spending of the Area Capital Fund and notes the funding from individual or joint Ward Councillor Budgets in support of local initiatives.


The Committee meets four times each year and its meetings are open to the public.


Contact information

Support officer: Adrian Mann. Governance Officer

Postal address:
Loxley House
Station Street

Phone: 0115 8764468
