Issue - decisions

Area Capital

02/04/2020 - Area Capital Fund

Neighbourhood Development Officers, Celia Knight and Suki Shergill, presented the report that requests funding for the projects listed in a revised Appendix 1 which was circulated at the meeting and included with the initial publication of the minutes.




1)  to approve the following schemes and de-commitments for Bestwood Ward:


Local Transport Plan


Arnold Road Shops – parking feasibility




Public Realm


Feasibility, design and installation of parking provision at identified locations in Bestwood Ward, including Winterton Rise






Parking scheme on Winterton Rise



2)  to note the financial position of Bestwood Ward:


2019 - 2020 LTP allocation


LTP carried forward from 2018 - 2019


2019 - 2020  Public Realm allocation


Public Realm carried forward from 2018 – 2019


Total Available 2019 - 2020 ACF


Less LTP schemes



Less Public Realm schemes



De-committed funds



Remaining available balance


LTP element remaining


Public Realm element remaining



3)  to approve the following schemes for Bulwell Ward, noting that no de-commitments are proposed:


Local Transport Plan


Corben Gardens carriageway surface treatment


Nine Acre Gardens carriageway surface treatment


Stoney Hougton Gardens carriageway surface treatment


Dogwood Avenue installation of 20mph signs


Bulwell ward carriageway/footpath surface treatment




Public Realm


Bulwell ward carriageway/footpath surface treatment



4)  to note the following financial position of Bulwell Ward:


2019 - 2020 LTP allocation


LTP carried forward from 2018 - 2019


2019 - 2020  Public Realm allocation


Public Realm carried forward from 2018 – 2019


Total Available 2019 - 2020 ACF


Less LTP schemes



Less Public Realm schemes



De-committed funds



Remaining available balance


LTP element remaining


Public Realm element remaining



5)  to approve the following schemes and de-commitments:


Local Transport Plan


St Albans Road (1) footpath reconstruction between Kersall Drive and Cantrell Road left side


Park Vale Academy crossing – bollards beyond the zig-zag lines




Public Realm


St Albans Road (1) footpath reconstruction between Kersall Drive and Cantrell Road left side


Petersfield Close/Stacey Avenue - contribution measures to prevent vehicles driving illegally on the footpath


St Albans Road (2) footpath reconstruction between Kersall Drive and Cantrell Road right side






Top Valley Crossing  underspend


Highbury Road Footpath underspend



6)  to note the financial position of Bulwell Forest Ward:


2019 - 2020 LTP allocation


LTP carried forward from 2018 - 2019


2019 - 2020  Public Realm allocation


Public Realm carried forward from 2018 – 2019


Total Available 2019 - 2020 ACF


Less LTP schemes



Less Public Realm schemes



De-committed funds



Remaining available balance


LTP element remaining


Public Realm element remaining
